pauline and david are out....., page-69

  1. Yak
    13,672 Posts. pauline and david are out..... You never fail to amaze me with you pecker-head view of things...

    Here's your view....

    "they deserved what the got if not more. They committed a crime"

    "Pauline Hanson committed a crime"

    Now...this is DESPITE the fact that the Cof A didnt a.reduce her sentence
    b.didnt release her with time served

    but, instead..... quashed the conviction.'s the tricky bit....that means she committed NO crime.

    Read that again...that means there WAS NO CRIME....

    You cant have it both cant, as you do, go off like a moron at say the US for, as you say, going against international law yada yada yada....and hide behind this perception of what law is...

    .....and then

    ......have this warped view that whilst she has no conviction and the Justices decided there was no crime...

    ...that she's still guilty.

    I guess you can take that view...thats why debating with you is such a waste of time

    .....and why our good 'ol Leaping Avenger keeps stitching you up

    ...up one side then down the other.

    Then you come up with this pearler...

    ".....those who mattered laughed at her"

    I suppose that'd be you would it??? ROTFLMAO!!!!!
    "semantics Leaping, semantics"


    Regardless of how you - in your infinite irrelevance sees her and her politics....

    the LA states

    "She also got 22% of the State vote in the election and 9% in the federal election , i'd say that just about beats the Dems and Greens combined."

    .....and that was after how long as a political party???????

    Imagine the vote after a period of time say the Democrats have been around???

    So take a deep breath...step back and maybe re-evaluate your notion of just who is supporing her.

    It may be in time a far far larger portion of Aussies step up and give her their vote.

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