Two tiered western justice, page-13

  1. 86,791 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75

    "Yes, it seems to be human nature. The dominant world power eventually goes soft (left leaning) and is overtaken by one which has had to make some tough decisions along the way (right leaning). Economic dominance also changes hands and war is often involved. We are seeing the end game play out right now.'

    hmmmm - can't agree there -------------although more accurately I think it's more complex really -

    I can't say that I think the British Empire or the Roman Empire went to the wall because they became 'soft'

    that's probably far from the truth -- at Empire level - or as you put it 'dominant world power level' (not saying the British Empire was necessarily the dominant world power at the time of it's demise though - but, probably still a good example)

    Whereas on a National level - there may well be some truth to it - indeed, I can probably come up with some examples on where it would be true.

    To me - right leaning economic policies (so called tough decisions) - yes, they do work for an economy much of the time -

    but, they don't work for the individuals necessarily - you can have enormous pain within a society from having 'tough' decisions.

    Then - left (supposed softer) leanings - do often result in less pain for the poor - but, do damage economies many times.

    Often it comes down to which is valued more - an economy - which isn't a living thing - or people - which are alive and feel pain.

    Personally - I think we have it all wrong and that there - somewhere out there should be a system that works for the good of all -

    lets face facts here ------- all systems (that I know of) - are failures to some extent -

    capitalist imperialism, capitalism, communism, socialism - have all provided failures to much of their society.

    The epitome of capitalism is IMO - the USA --- well - try being poor there and see how you go.

    Also - one trip through the ex Soviet states and seeing the remaining evidence or reading history tells you that - well, lets say, it wasn't the best outcome for an experiment.

    Ditto many examples of socialist states.

    To me - there just has to be a better way - and, IMO - with the huge changes coming in our societies with AI and robotics - or more accurately automation - then, I believe we will just be left with zero choice but to experiment more -- and, rapidly.

    Surely as a race - we can look at the failures of the past and present and try something different - gees, if the world could come together - or even if 'some' of the world could come together and fund some economic experiments -

    then, we could all benefit ----------- if we find that there is nothing out of the experiments of value - then, what have we lost?

    a few bucks

    from where I sit - I really think it impossible for us to not learn something - and, may well be find a workable solution for all.

    To not do so - to me - just guarantees us the same old same old --

    economic doom - going into bloom - back into destruction - and, often by war and civil unrest -

    crikey - isn't it worth a shot to change history from repeating?

    haven't we had enough of the pain through the millennia to have a go at something new on a cooperative level?
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