cortis is right: its a media conspiracy, page-8

  1. 1,673 Posts.
    the lake is the place for you my friend!!

    a cold deep one!

    We always overlook that it suits us perfectly well to overlook.

    That Howard has won FOUR elections in the face of such media bias (not conspiracy theory- just out and out blatant bias friend) is in itself something of a miracle.

    And there are many who have to resort to personal abuse when they can't articulate a decent argument.

    If you can "get' what I mean -(whcih I doubt) look at the news items we are bombarded with - and see how many are being editorialised by those who deliver them. Yes - they are leaned on heavily in the preparation to to slant very favorably Left! It is going on all the time these days - and being done by people who potray themselves as SERIOUS, professional, trained,journalists.

    When I studied journalism, we were taught to tell it straight as it is - not to "tweak" news to suit our way of thinking. The guy who lectured us had a very Left background with a London daily - but heavens he had ethics too which he drummed into us - and which are so sadly lacking in many journalists today. They just follow the Party (their Party) line!

    We were also taught the futility of arguing the point with those whose minds are set in concrete, and will never, EVER, change..Which is what I'm doing here with you!

    Now I have gee gees to pick - and my fifty thousand dollar outfit to press - and my Bollinger to put on ice. And dozens of prawns to scalp..

    (I wish!!)

    But I do hope MY John gets to put his tootsies up - he's earned it!!

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