NOAA Erase “Anomalously Cold Winters”, page-7

  1. 7,723 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 54
    .87 of a degree warming since 1951! WOW!
    And as for the warmest Nov. since 1880. How inaccurate is cherry picking one month since 1880?
    You can be certain measurement methods have changed since 1880 making this small difference totally spurious!

    How high were the co2 levels in 1880!
    Where is the catastrophic warming that IPCC forecast unless co2 levels were lowered ?
    Where is their 3-5 degrees per century!
    With an average year round global temperature of approx. 15 degrees we certainly could use some warming and the effects of the last thirty years would seem to be positive for greening and crop yields as co2 increased.
    CO2 increase has been 25% higher in the last thirty years .
    If your alarmists theories are correct then one would have expected a much faster temperature rise than even the alarmist IPCC wrongly predicted.
    And another point please list your warmist experts who have been shown to be correct in their predictions and have not attempted to fake or hide data.
    I`ve listed some of your many failed experts!(Don`t list ones like Flannery who have made so much money out of the scams and alarms that they have retired like rich but beaten dogs disgraced by their failures of prediction .
    Occasionally they emerge with more fake alarms when the opportunity arises.

    One accurate observation about warmist alarmists is they find their increasingly inaccurate theories hard to defend with real data and hence increasingly resort to sarcasm .
    Global warming one day , then climate change now extreme climatic events.
    As one scenario fails up pop the alarmists with a new term!
    Perhaps next for a good alarmist scare "Terminal Apocalyptic Climate Change".
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