while you were yapping i was digging, page-14

  1. 1,219 Posts.
    Ghost1 asks:

    "My Large Whites and White leghorns don't get on together ..

    "Where isa the problem?"

    They don't get on because of a difference
    in their attitude towards your fondness
    for having bacon and eggs for breakfast.

    Your hens are involved but
    your pigs are totally

    This explains why White Leghorns
    have white feathers - as a symbol
    of moral cowardice.

    But the poor things are not cowards,
    they are just being sensible - as
    all chooks are - leaving it to
    your pigs to make the
    the Ultmate Sacrifice.

    But what ever you do - don't give in Green
    pressure and run your Large Whites as
    free-range not housed pigs.

    Large Whites were bred in a much
    gentler climate that ours and
    like the Poms who bred them,
    if sent out into the hot Aussie
    they will develop severe sun
    burns and skin cancers.

    Why it's not kind to force
    Large Whites to live outside
    in the hot Aussie sun is made
    abundantly clear by observing
    the skin and hair colour of feral or
    wild pigs. Though pigs of many hues
    were introduced to Australia for their
    meat - of the ones that escaped from
    farms, all the wild pigs today are black!

    Mother Nature or Evolution has many
    lessons for the humble and the wise but
    only shrieks of mirth for those with closed
    (or conservative) minds - many of whom
    gather in the cool shade of Hot Copper to
    discuss why Graham is so stupid to build
    defences against Climate Change in the hot
    sun (wearing sun-screening working clothes
    and a straw hat) while it's much more fun to
    sit in the shade and discuss what a fool he is
    because climates *always* obey Conservative
    rules and never ever change - for the worse!

    <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/T5kvWfCQ_6w&rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355">
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