chromite deposits not viable, page-12

  1. 1,712 Posts.
    Your penchant for misquoting facts is now becoming legendary! You are obviously a “glass half empty” person. You present “facts” out of context in a negative way, that could, on balance be seen as positive for RML.

    The Quarterly didn’t say “below market value” it said “at a 1-2% discount to the rule of thumb formula. RML has been extraordinarily transparent releasing this type of information. If I get my calculator out on current prices, a 2% discount on 1.3% Ni is 30 bucks. That makes money! If the nickel price drops, they will up the cut off grade and still make good money! That’s positive.

    You say there are million of tonnes of this ore on the ports at China. All the reports I have read said this ore is stuck there as it was bought by traders when the Ni price was sky high, so it is already expensive. It’s the traders taking a haircut on that ore. That makes alternate ore affordable! That’s positive.

    You say that transport costs are at all time highs. That may be true but take a look on the map. Acoje is closer to Hong Kong than it is to the southern tip of the Philippines! The higher the shipping cost, the more attractive Acoje ore. That’s positive.

    You say the port is “temporary”! Have a look at their annual report and last quarterly! Its anything but temporary! Also look in the Annual Report top 20. Who's there? The Philippine partner DMCI! They paid cash for shares in Rusina at 40c That’s commitment! Show me another company whose local partner has put their money where their mouth is in such a legitimate and transparent way! That’s more than positive, that’s amazing!

    This is not only about the DSO money (although that is important). Its about a company that is transforming itself from a “speculative stock” to a self funded explorer and near term Ni producer.

    It seems I am not the only one who can't quite fathom what your beef is with Rusina? You don’t seem to post on any other Ni stock other than your beloved AGM We can all see you are not a fan of nickel laterites. Fine don’t buy RML. But if you want to post on RML, keep your opinions balanced; don’t call RML investors “wallies”. If you state you are a nickel expert, state your credentials. Otherwise, you are just another investor with a viewpoint....

    Now you wouldn't happen to be the same Ghosta from Tasmania that posts on such wonderful forums as Comic Srips and Ghosts would you? From a comprehension point of view, it is right up your alley.
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