labors in now the strikes begin chaos already, page-31

  1. 1,752 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Why is everybody getting so exited?
    Teachers are on Entreprise Bargain Agreement which expired in August. Employer is offering 3.25% which is clearly bellow national average of aprox 4.5 according to Bureau of statistic.Inflation at least 3% ATM about to increase acording to Reserve Bank. Since the agreement expired, they are legaly free to engage in Protected action which is an euphemism for a strike as one of the options open to them. 10% is an ambit claim it is like selling a house you inflate the selling price and let the buyer twist you arm until you reach a deal. Let the market forces operate. Unions are just as much a part of market system as the employers association or Department of Education. The teachers have as much right to negotiate their contract as have miners or airline pilots or CEO's.
    This is how it works. Brian.
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