HZR 2.21% 33.3¢ hazer group limited

Interview with Alan Kohler

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    The Hazer Process

    Alan Kohler January 17, 2018 CEO Interviews

    • Hazer Group Limited (ASX: HZR) was founded in 2010 and listed in December 2015
    • Hazer uses natural gas and unprocessed iron ore to create “clean” hydrogen
    • The company has done a graphite deal with Mineral Resources to build a pilot plant this year
    Geoff Pocock is the Managing Director of Hazer Group. This came from one of our subscribers, Joanne, who wrote in to say, ‘Can I add my request to have a look at Hazer? I asked you about them last March and was hoping you could do an interview with them, as well as the clean cheap hydrogen production, very high grade synthetic graphite is a by-product of the process for use in batteries. They signed an agreement with Mineral Resources in December for the graphite and there will be more to come for the hydrogen. A very exciting growth prospect.’ says Joanne.
    It is exciting, but it is one for the patient investor. It has been around for a while and they have done the deal with Mineral Resources. Mineral Resources has agreed as a part of that binding agreement to build a pilot plant this year. Obviously a pilot plant doesn’t produce commercial quantities of the graphite. But they’ll then go to building a commercial scale plant and in time, that is to say in several years, move towards building a 10,000 tonne per annum plant for commercial production of synthetic graphite.
    At the same time, Hazer is talking to Prime Metals which is a steel mill technology joint venture for the use of the Hazer process in steel mills. What is the Hazer process? Well, you’ll hear it in the interview, but essentially what they do is they produce carbon and hydrogen from methane, which is CH4, one carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms. They do it with iron ore as a catalyst and that’s the difference.
    I mean, they’ve been producing hydrogen and graphite and carbon from methane for a long time, hundreds of years, but the Hazer process, the invention that came out of the University of Western Australia is to use iron ore as a catalyst for that which is very cheap and makes a big difference to the way the whole thing works. So that’s the technology. They’ve applied for global patents for the use of the iron ore as a catalyst and they’ve signed this binding agreement with Mineral Resources, they’re talking to Prime Metals for another binding agreement. It is a very interesting process, no doubt about it, but it is, as I say, one for the patient investors because it’s going to be a while before it turns into actual cash.

    Geoff, in December you firmed up your deal with Mineral Resources into a binding agreement, which was a great step forward for you. Tell us what that agreement involves and in particular, does it give Mineral Resources exclusive access to all of your graphite or not?
    Yes and no, like all of these things, these sort of answers are never quite that simple. The relationship we have with Mineral Resources is they become a primary partner for the graphite side of the business, which means they will then develop the graphite technology, both the synthesis technology and then also any downstream graphite processing technologies, they will fund the development of that. Hazer generates a royalty based on the eventual sales of graphite from Mineral Resources. What Mineral Resources will also have is they have a first right of refusal.
    We have still got the opportunity to take the technology out globally for people who are looking at Hazer as a way of generating low cost, low emission hydrogen. And as part of those ongoing relationships, Mineral Resources will have an opportunity to purchase at market value, any graphite produced by those other hydrogen partners, to then take that raw graphite, add value to it and then market it as they choose to. They have an opportunity to buy that graphite, but they don’t have an obligation to buy it.
    But that’s where the graphite is a by-product of the hydrogen production, right?
    Your primary…
    The process makes hydrogen and graphite both times, as soon as you make one you must make the other. But the economics of the process are always going to be based on what’s your focus? Are you focused on generating value out of the hydrogen? In which case you don’t need to be getting full value out of the graphite so to speak, you don’t need to be taking the graphite all the way through the value chain, it just becomes, as you say, a by-product that you generate a certain amount of revenue for, which helps mainly to the overall costs of the process.
    That’s the opportunity that then the hydrogen market still has with Hazer and what we’ve effectively done is created a market where we already have that offtake partner lined up through Mineral Resources.
    But just focusing on the graphite side of things, basically Mineral Resources have got their foot on all the graphite side of your business, is that right?
    What are their obligations as part of the deal? What do they have to do now?
    Well, they’ll be taking the technology and funding all of the development work, all of the capital cost for graphite production and graphite processing.
    When do they, for example, have to build the pilot plant?
    They’ll be building the pilot plant during this calendar year. That will then be developed during the course of the next 12 months and then from there they will be going straight from that into building full scale commercial production and they’re targeting to get to a stage of producing 10,000 tonnes per annum of graphite.
    I don’t know whether this is relevant to you, Geoff. I mean, it probably is, but what happens if they don’t do certain things. I mean, if they don’t build the pilot plant this year does that give you the opportunity to get out of the deal if you wanted to?
    Certainly, I mean there’s mutual obligations on both parties to continue development and the agreement has some set clauses and it has ongoing requirements for further documentation and further development of the licencing agreements. But that’s all very normal for these sorts of technology licensing, especially with the technology at the early stage of development that Hazer still is at.
    The second stage of the deal involves a commercial scale plant producing 1,000 tonnes per annum…
    Initially, yes, with a view of then expanding that up to the 10,000 tonnes per annum and then going on from there.
    Can you give us a sense of the timing of those things? Pilot plant this year, how long before you get to 1,000 tonnes per annum and then how long again before you get to 10,000?
    Those timelines are still being developed but Mineral Resources have got an indicative idea of trying to get to commercial scale production within a couple of years, so within say two to three years from now. This is all going to happen, I think, very quickly with Mineral Resources as a partner.
    You’ve also got a non-binding memorandum of understanding with Prime Metals, which is a technology business for steel production.
    Yeah. Prime Metals is a joint venture between Mitsubishi Heavy Industry and Siemens. They’re based out of Lindt in Austria and they’ve effectively been the combination of Mitsubishi and Siemens technology development around the steel industry. They’re now one of the leading providers of technology solutions to the steel industry and they’ve seen the opportunity in conversations with us on how the Hazer technology can integrate into reducing cost and emissions associated with steel production. So they’ve got a very strong interest in how we can develop primarily the hydrogen side of the business with the ability of using hydrogen in the steel industry to reduce costs and emissions.
    In a sense, that’s your hydrogen play, as it were, whereas Mineral Resources was the graphite play, is that a reasonable way to characterise it?
    Yeah, that’s a reasonable way to characterise it, is that those two partners have got very different interests in how they see the technology being applied and we have the ability of then being able to progress both of those relationships without impacting the other. We can continue to develop with Mineral Resources knowing that that will develop the graphite side of the business and at the same time we can continue to develop with Prime Metals developing the hydrogen side of the business and having Mineral Resources as a partner in that agreement as someone who’d be able to take the graphite product.
    It didn’t take you long to tighten the Mineral Resources deal into a binding agreement. How long do you think it will take to do the same with the Prime Metals deal?
    We’ve been talking to Mineral Resources, as all of these things, the time taken can often be a bit longer than it seems. Mineral Resources invested in Hazer at our IPO, that was two years ago, so we’ve had a relationship with Mineral Resources now for two years. They came on and became our major shareholder through a placement in the early part of 2017 – about March or April of 2017. We’ve been in quite significant discussions with them all the way through last year, so that once we sign the memorandum of understanding, it was very straightforward for us to then move that directly into a binding agreement.
    Prime Metals, we’ve been talking to for less time. We started talking to them about the middle of 2017, but we do anticipate turning that into a binding agreement sooner rather than later. We anticipate, we’ve been having ongoing discussions with Prime Metals and are keen to progress that into a more binding cooperation agreement along the lines with what we’ve agreed with Mineral Resources.
    Does that mean that it looks like it will also be an exclusive deal, that they’ll have access to all of your hydrogen output? Or is it just in relation to steel factories?
    At the moment we’re focusing on the exclusivity around the steel industry but that’s obviously something for discussion with Prime Metals and there’ll be ongoing commercial discussions about exactly what the nature of any exclusivity around the agreement will be and what are the associated commitments from them if they are going to take a wider exclusivity.
    I presume the Prime Metals deal relationship would take a bit longer or it would be a long term thing in the sense that they don’t have steel mills themselves. Once they’ve done a deal with you, they would then have to go and sell their technology to steel mills in turn, so that would be another step beyond that, right?
    It would be, but it’s fair to say that Prime Metals are in discussions with and have relationships with all of the major steel manufacturers around the world. So those sorts of discussions will be done concurrently with the technology development. This is the way that Prime Metals have taken a number of other technologies out into the steel industry. They do that development but they’re also constantly engaging with the market on how these things might be implemented and then being in a position to work out where the demonstration plants and then the initial commercial applications might be.
    I think that’s something that in these sorts of industries and with partners like Prime Metals, they have a lot of experience in how that gets done and you don’t have an environment where the technology sits in a laboratory or a development facility for an extended period of time without that engagement with the end users.
    Yeah, fair enough. It’s probably a good time to take a step back and understand what the technology actually does. It was developed at the University of Western Australia as I understand it…
    That’s correct.
    Can you describe how it works?
    Well, at its heart it’s very simple. The technology, the Hazer process itself is a process called thermos-catalytic methane decomposition or methane cracking, where you take methane which is the prime component of natural gas and you heat that up in the presence of a catalyst…
    Which is CH4, right?
    That’s correct.
    One carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms?
    That’s correct. A methane molecule is a carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms. Under the right environment millions and millions and billions of these will decompose all at the same time so that the carbon all stays together and the hydrogen stays together. You end up with a solid carbon product and a gaseous, a pure hydrogen product. As soon as you make one you must make the other. This chemistry has been known for a long time. This reaction, CH4 turning into carbon and hydrogen has been known for a very long time but it’s never been commercially developed as a way of producing either carbon or hydrogen.
    That’s where the innovation out of the University of Western Australia came, of the use of iron ore as a process catalyst. It really is solving an economic part of a problem rather than the technical one. The chemistry works, the chemistry is known, but it’s never been able to be worked economically because of the need for a catalyst and the cost of those catalysts in terms of putting them in and even though they are physically not consumed by the reaction, what happens is over a period of time they don’t work as well. You then have to recover the catalyst, you then have to clean, recycle it, regenerate it, and you’re dealing with very expensive materials and it ends up being effectively an embedded cost in the cost of the products that you’re making. What Hazer does, which is different to that, is by using iron ore as a process catalyst.
    Taking a catalyst that is so cheap that when it stops being effective, when it stops working as well as you’d like it to work, you can just put in fresh catalyst and you can actually have a reactor where you have a constant stream of new catalysts going into the system in order to constantly regenerate. That’s where you’re solving an economic problem by not needing to recycle that expensive catalyst and people have used all sorts of materials, precious group metals, palladiums and platinums, but even materials like nickel which are so expensive compared to iron ore.
    Nickel is still tens of thousands of dollars a tonne rather than at the moment iron ore is sort of sub $100 a tonne still. We’re talking about much, much cheaper materials that effectively drive that economics.
    Iron ore is not a sort of substance you’d regard as a catalyst for anything.
    No, not really. Over here you pick it up by the side of the road, but that’s exactly it, you’ve got a material that is plentiful, is abundant, is at a grade that can be used directly and requires minimal treatment to get it to a stage where it can be then inserted into the reaction.
    Do you have to pay any royalties to the university or to anyone else?
    No. The university is a shareholder in the company. When we established Hazer, all of the intellectual property developed by the university was assigned into Hazer, so Hazer is the sole owner of all of its IP, and the university became a shareholder. We did that initially as a different way of commercialising university research, as a way of demonstrating sharing of risk and sharing of upside between the original investors and founders of Hazer and the university itself.
    It’s obviously been a while now, I mean the share price hasn’t done anything – or, got excited I think a few years ago, the share price went up a fair bit. It hasn’t done anything for a while and I guess Hazer has been and kind of to some extent remains an investment for patient people.
    Yeah, I think that’s fair. We floated at 20 cents in just over two years ago. We quite rapidly got to a sort of 35-40 cent range. The company’s progressing. The share price growth is certainly not meteoric in that sense but has been strong and steady and we have been very well supported by the market over the last sort of 12 months. I think from here we have the opportunity as we now are at a stage that the technology is closer to those sort of commercial milestones with the agreements with Mineral Resources and the agreement with Prime Metals, that I think we’ll start to see a lot more commercial traction and that will be the catalyst over the next 12 months for how the technology can be steadily revalued or the value can be appreciated in greater detail by the market.
    Those will be the things that we then see as being catalysts for the growth in share price from here. At the moment we’re still market capitalisation of still only in the sort of sub-$100 million. I think it’s about $50-60 million depending on where the share price is on any given day. We are still very much a micro-cap company. There is still a case of people wanting to understand the scale of the opportunity, but as we start to see that scale we’ll start to see the share price reflecting the proximity to commercial milestones that we’re targeting.
    Perhaps you can help us understand the potential scale of the operation without perhaps making unwise predictions. Just focusing on Mineral Resources, the deal with them, we’re talking about 10,000 tonnes per annum at some point perhaps in two or three years’ time. What’s the current price of graphite?
    The current price of graphite – well, there’s lots of different graphites but the sort of target – Mineral Resources are very much about taking the product all the way through to the furthest end of the value chain that they can. They want to see the graphite not just being as a raw commodity but as a value-added product. They’re talking of several thousand US dollars a tonne in the course of discussions and they put out some information out into the market before Christmas with indicative price points of around US$6,000 a tonne for graphite.
    That’s really when you’ve taken the graphite – so the graphite that’s made by the Hazer process starts as a raw product that’s typically in the low 90 per cent purity range. Then that can be then upgraded – and we’ve demonstrated this in the laboratory with them taking that all the way through to that sort of 99.95 plus battery grade synthetic graphite product. That’s a product that definitely has got price points of – there are some high grade graphites that are selling for tens of thousands of US dollars a tonne. They can be very, very significant value products at that point in time.
    What’s your royalty in that deal?
    That’s commercial and confidential, but it’s effectively a revenue share or a profit share that we’ve negotiated the parameters with Mineral Resources, but we’ll be expecting to get a very significant royalty if the prices are where we anticipate them going.
    It’s very hard for investors to think about whether to buy your shares or not if they don’t know what the royalty’s going to be.
    I appreciate that and it’s unfortunate that that’s the nature of these sorts of negotiations. There are still a number of unknowns in terms of exactly what the final costings and the final price points are going to be. As a result, it’s very hard for us to give the detailed basis for what the royalty negotiations have been, and obviously that is commercially quite sensitive both for us but in particular for Mineral Resources. I do appreciate that that makes it difficult but it’s certainly fair to say that when we’re talking about the sort of scale of revenue that Mineral Resources are anticipating, it’s expected that we’ll have revenue streams back to Hazer that will be significant.
    When do you think you will release the details?
    I suspect those will get released over the course of the next 12-18 months as the process is further developed, as the pilot plant is developed and as we are closer to those sort of commercial milestones and commercial production levels.
    Is it closer to 10% or 50%?
    Between those numbers.
    [Laughs] Okay. Just turning to the Prime Metals deal and hydrogen – hydrogen in general, the hydrogen production – I don’t know much about this – but I imagine hydrogen is not something that transports very well. I’m assuming that you’d need to be producing the stuff close to the end client?
    That’s correct. Hydrogen is traditionally produced onsite where it’s being used. For example, ammonia facilities, we have Burrup fertilisers up in the Northwest of WA. CSBP here in Kwinana, both of them producing ammonia, both producing hydrogen onsite for use in those markets and for those processes. That is the nature of the hydrogen market, is that people produce hydrogen onsite where it’s required and we anticipate the same thing occurring with the Hazer process, that if you had a steel mill that was looking at hydrogen as a direct reductant, as a use for coal or even as hydrogen for the sort of carbon capture utilisation market that’s becoming increasingly common or increasingly discussed in the European markets in particular where you can use carbon dioxide emissions from power plants or from other sources and use that as a chemical feed stock for other products and the key requirement there is that you need a lower emission hydrogen co-material to go into those processes.
    Yeah, but you need methane, not carbon dioxide, right?
    Well, we need methane as a feedstock but that’s predominant. But if you have a situation, for example, a steel mill or a power plant that is producing carbon dioxide, that carbon dioxide can be captured and converted into other feedstocks or other products using hydrogen as an additional feedstock. The overall system then becomes, well you then have a hydrogen plant, the hydrogen plant generates the hydrogen and in Hazer’s case, the hydrogen and the graphite. You then capture the CO2 and can combine that with the hydrogen that you make to take it down into those sort of value-add products such as methanol.
    But can you also produce more graphite out of the CO2?
    You actually can. The chemistry of what’s going on, there’s a certain amount of carbon atoms in the universe and depending on how many of them are in different forms. Certainly if you have CO2 as a feedstock, effectively you’re treating that CO2 with hydrogen to generate carbon or carbon monoxide. There are other processes that you can look at there but our focus at the moment is taking – people have been making, methanol, to take an example, people make methanol out of CO2 on an industrial scale at the moment. Those sort of processes can be done and the key requirement is that you have a low emission hydrogen source. We see ourselves as a hydrogen company, not a methanol company per se.
    Are you talking to other potential partners for the hydrogen side of the business as well as Prime Metals, or is it all about Prime Metals?
    No, no, we’ve been speaking to different people in the hydrogen market since before we listed and certainly since our IPO, so we’ve had a number of discussions with different groups in America and in Europe over the last two years and we’re continuing to have those discussions with people on an ongoing basis.
    I take it that you’ve got global patents, have you, for the use of iron ore as a catalyst in this process?
    Absolutely. We filed the global applications for the process in the back half of last year. The patenting process is obviously a very long one and we’re progressing our patenting strategy with layers of different patent applications. The core patents that cover the use of iron ore have gone to national phase filings late last year.
    Can I just understand your cash position at the moment? How much have you got in the bank?
    We had about $6.5m at the end of September I believe was the reported number. Run rate is running at about half a million dollars a month, but we did also raise a further just under $3 million at the end of December last year through the exercise of a large number of options that were on issue. The company is currently quite well funded cash-wise. We’ve got enough money to keep us going for the next 12 months or more. Then again, with the capital structure that we have onboard and we have a number of listed options as well as unlisted options that will be expiring at the end of this calendar year, at the end of 2018. If the share price stays where it is, we anticipate those generating a further potentially $9 million or thereabouts of capital for the companies through those exercise of the options.
    You won’t have to have another share issue in the near future?
    No. We’re very well-funded at the moment, so we’re comfortable with that and obviously still in a development stage for the technology. We are spending more money than we earn obviously, we are burning cash but we have got very, very deep cash reserves for us at the moment.
    How much does Mineral Resources own?
    They own about 11-12% of the company at this point in time.
    And they’re the biggest shareholder?
    They’re the biggest shareholder.
    Are they saying they’re going to stick with that amount of shareholding or are they likely to own more?
    That’s a question you’d really need to ask Chris Ellison, I’m sure.
    [Laughs] Okay.
    They have got an option position as well as part of the raising when they invested just under 12 months ago. They invested $5 million at 60 cents and they also had a number of options at a higher price than that. They have got the ability of maintaining their position through the options, but of course that’s very much their decision as to how they want to allocate their investment capital.
    It’s interesting, you said that you see the company as a hydrogen business, but it sounds like the graphite is going to turn into cash flow a fair bit earlier than hydrogen will.
    Yeah, that’s probably a bit the nature of the graphite business versus the hydrogen side of the business. At the end of the day we see ourselves as a technology company. We are the owners and the custodians and the developers of this technology, which has a number of different applications both in graphite and in hydrogen. Even within the hydrogen market there are different parts of that hydrogen market. The key thing is the hydrogen market is so much bigger than the graphite market globally.
    Globally, people are making north of 65 million tonnes of hydrogen a year. People are probably using only several million tonnes of graphite a year. The market size in hydrogen is probably an order of magnitude larger and is set to grow very significantly through increased need for low emission hydrogen as we see hydrogen going into the energy market. We see the long term future of Hazer very much in the hydrogen space, but certainly graphite as an interim step and as a way of generating commercial products and as a way of developing value in the company on the way through is certainly something that we strategically have identified internally.
    Everyone’s pretty excited about electric vehicles. You would think, I would have thought, that there’s a lot of potential in that?
    Absolutely. There’s massive potential in electric vehicles and the other aspect of it is the hydrogen powered fuel cell vehicles that are also being significantly talked about as part of the zero emission motoring future, also are battery vehicles. They have batteries as well as fuel cells. This is one of the big growths in graphite generally, is that demand for graphite for batteries and the battery demand coming primarily from the vehicle market.
    But also we see an increasing opportunity for hydrogen in vehicle markets as well and the car manufacturers – we’ve spoken a lot to different car manufacturers including Toyota, who are very much of the view that it’s not going to be batteries or fuel cells, it’s going to be batteries and fuel cells with both vehicles running off similar drive trains, but both vehicles being tailored for particular end applications. We see the vehicle market as something very interesting for Hazer both for the graphite side and also for the hydrogen side of the business.
    Are you talking to potential hydrogen customers in the car industry?
    Right. One thing, just before we go, that sort of interests me, hydrogen’s the most common element in the universe and I just wonder why you have to go to so much trouble to produce the stuff?
    Yes, it’s true, hydrogen is one of those great statistics that 75% of the atoms in the observable universe are in fact hydrogen atoms. Obviously a very, very large amount of hydrogen is present in suns and stars, so that’s not immediately available to us. Hydrogen is ultimately quite a reactive material and so when it is available it does tend to form other compounds. Obviously compounds like water, compounds like organic materials, all of these are hydrogen containing materials.
    Even on earth, hydrogen is still one of the most prevalent elements on earth but all of that hydrogen is already chemically bound into other materials. The key to making hydrogen is you always need two things, you need a source of hydrogen, a material that contains hydrogen atoms bonded into some other form and you need a source of energy in a way of actually changing the hydrogen instead of being present as a hydrocarbon or as water or as an alcohol or something of that sort, you actually take that and chemically convert it into pure hydrogen.
    The nature of the hydrogen market is that whilst hydrogen is prevalent, it’s not present in the world as hydrogen per se, it’s present as water or present as methane or alcohol or other organic materials.
    I think most people’s assumption would have been that hydrogen is most likely to be produced from water, there’s so much of it, rather than methane, but you have to get methane out of the ground or something.
    The amount of natural gas that’s available globally is still very significant. Of all of your fossil fuel feedstocks, it is one that is the most prevalent, the most ubiquitous and as a result, generally the most affordable. The problem with making hydrogen out of water is the energy that’s required. Ultimately, making hydrogen out of water is a way of turning energy into less energy. The energy required to make hydrogen out of water is always much more than the energy you would then get from using that hydrogen downstream in a fuel cell or something of that sort.
    Right, and that’s not the case with methane?
    Not the case with methane, no. The amount of energy that’s required to make hydrogen out of methane is significantly less than the amount of energy that’s required to make the same amount of hydrogen out of water.
    And I guess if you can use iron ore as a catalyst, then it reduces the cost even further?
    Absolutely. The costs of both the energy requirement and also the overall cost of the process becomes much less. People have been making hydrogen out of natural gas for hundreds of years. The problem is that the current methods of making hydrogen out of natural gas, the carbon content of the natural gas that we’re capturing is graphite. The alternative systems turn that carbon into carbon dioxide. And so they have this hydrogen product but the second product that they would be making is effectively carbon dioxide.
    So if you’re then talking about using the hydrogen in an energy market, if you have a hydrogen powered bus driving along and that hydrogen is being made by the existing industrial hydrogen manufacturers, all you’ve done is relocate your CO2 emissions. There’s nothing that comes out of the bus, but the hydrogen when it was made at point of production, there’s a very significant CO2 emission. If you actually combine those two together, that bus is no cleaner than running on diesel.
    Right, but that doesn’t apply to your process?
    No, that’s exactly right. Our process is completely different because we aren’t producing the CO2 footprint that is associated with hydrogen production traditionally. So you then have actually still have got a clean hydrogen product made out of the hydrocarbon out of the fossil fuel feedstock. And we don’t have to use fossil fuels. The other advantage of methane is that there are many renewable sources of methane available. You can get bio-gas and bio-gassification which can actually turn organic waste of varying sorts and get bugs that will effectively turn that into methane. So there are actually renewable methane sources that are available and we’re still looking at how we can tap into that to generate a completely renewable system as well.
    It’d be good if you could capture cow farts too!
    And that’s one of those sort of classic bio-methane sources. The problem with that, as far as I can tell, is that no one’s quite worked out how to get the cows to fart in the right place and actually capturing the gas in the first place, but there are ways of looking at doing that and there are other ways of bio-gassification, of digestion type systems which will actually turn organic material, whether it be garden waste type products or sewerage and sludge type products and generating a renewable methane source from that.
    All very interesting, Geoff, I really appreciate your time. Thank you.
    No problem at all, thank you.
    That was Geoff Pocock, the Managing Director of Hazer Group.
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