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    Found 2 articles today regarding Smartfren
    - Smartfren are looking to double their subscriber base to 24m in 2018, and
    - Dojko has been invited to come back and as Deputy CEO and lead the company once again to "expand its network and distribution channels more intensively".   

    Smartfren aims to double subscriber base to 24m in 2018

    23 Jan 2018

    Indonesia’s PT Smartfren Telecom (Smartfren) has set out its stall to double its mobile subscriber base this year and promises to be more aggressive in optimising its 4G network to reach this goal. The firm’s deputy commercial CEO Djoko Tata Ibrahim told a media briefing in Jakarta that Smartfren closed out 2017 with twelve million mobile users, and now aims to double this to 24 million by ramping up its marketing strategies. The official also confirmed that the cellco is now using a full 4G LTE network using frequencies at 850MHz and 2300MHz and has finally switched off its legacy CDMA network as part of its migration plan. Smartfren closed out 2017 with 13,326 base stations on air and will deploy a further 10,000 new units in 2018, he said. Djoko also provided some details on Smartfren’s three-pronged subscriber acquisition strategy, noting that the firm is foregrounding: Open Market Handset (OMH) strategy, which targets the premium market by working with handset vendors such as Samsung, Lenovo, and HiSense to develop smartphone devices with products tailored to the cellco’s networks and services; Andromax bundling, which targets the lower-middle segment by offering them bundled services with an Andromax handset (a new model of which will launch in February) and which is based on what it terms an ‘affordable price with unlimited data concept’; and sales of starter packs for the lower-income demographic.

    Smartfren booked losses of IDR2.822 trillion (USD211.5 million) in January-September 2017, but is confident that it is managing to grow its revenues, which stood at IDR3.318 trillion in the same period, up 28% from IDR2.592 trillion in 9M16.

    Indonesia,PT Smartfren Telecom (Smartfren), Wireless, LTE

    Selasa, 23 Jan 2018 22:52 WIB

    Cerita Djoko Tata, Pergi untuk Kembali ke Smartfren
    Moch Prima Fauzi - detikInet

    Foto: detikINET/Moch Prima Fauzi
    Jakarta - Cinta lama bersemi kembali. Mungkin itu ungkapan yang cocok untuk dialamatkan kepada Djoko Tata Ibrahim yang memutuskan untuk kembali ke Smartfren yang sempat ia tinggalkan.

    Djoko sendiri kembali ke operator seluler milik grup Sinar Mas tersebut pada awal Januari 2018 setelah mengundurkan diri pada 2016 lalu. Kini ia kembali menempati posisinya lamanya sebagai Deputy CEO Commercial Smartfren.

    Ia pun menceritakan pengalamannya selama berada di perusahaan itu beberapa tahun yang lalu. Djoko diketahui sebagai salah satu sosok yang merintis Smartfren dari awal.

    "Kita kan kalau istilahnya di Angkatan (tentara) itu seperti prajurit. Jadi ada filmnya juga, Soldier Blue Coming Back Home. Jadi ya sebetulnya saya ini yang ikut dalam merintis Smartfren ini 11 tahun lalu. Dari karyawan 100 sampai karyawan lima ribuan," ujarnya kepada detikINET, di Galeri Smartfren, Sabang, Jakarta, Selasa (23/1/2018).

    Selama 11 tahun, Djoko membantu peralihan perusahaan saat terjadi merger antara operator Smart Telecom (Smart) dan Mobile-8 Telecom (Fren) hingga akhirnya meluncurkan produk bundling smartphone Andromax.

    Saat ia mundur dari Smartfren, Djoko mengatakan, saat itu ia memanfaatkan momentum untuk menjalani masa transisi untuk pensiun. Peralihan ke jaringan 4G yang dilakukan Smartfren dimanfaatkannya untuk memberikan kesempatan kepada tim yang lebih kompeten.

    "Saya mengambil momentum itu (untuk peralihan). Setelah ada tim baru, saya pensiun. Kira-kira dua tahun lalu," ujarnya.

    Hingga saat adanya tawaran untuk kembali ke perusahaan, Djoko mengatakan bahwa Smartfren membutuhkan konsentrasi untuk memperluas jaringan dan jalur distribusi yang lebih intensif lagi.

    "Maka saya diminta untuk kembali dan kecintaan kepada perusahaan ini dan tim yg sudah saya bimbing 10 tahun ini saya tidak bisa mengatakan tidak," ungkap Djoko.

    "Saya senang sekali sekarang kembali bahu-membahu dengan tim yang sebagian besar sudah saya kenal," pungkasnya.


    Tuesday, 23 Jan 2018 22:52
    WIB Djoko Tata's Story, Going Back to Smartfren Moch Prima Fauzi - detikInet

    Photo: detikINET / Moch Prima Fauzi Photo: detikINET / Moch Prima Fauzi

    Jakarta - Old love blossomed again. Perhaps that is a suitable phrase to address Djoko Tata Ibrahim who decided to return to the Smartfren he had left. Djoko himself returned to the cellular operator belonging to the Sinar Mas group in early January 2018 after resigning in 2016 ago. Now he is back in his old position as Deputy CEO of Commercial Smartfren. He also recounted his experience during his stay at the company several years ago. Djoko is known as one of the pioneering figures Smartfren from the beginning. "We have the term in the army (soldier) like a soldier, so there is also a movie, Soldier Blue Coming Back Home So I am actually the one who took part in this Smartfren pioneering 11 years ago from 100 to five thousand employees," he said. to detikINET, at Gallery Smartfren, Sabang, Jakarta, Tuesday (23/1/2018). For 11 years, Djoko assisted the company's shift during the merger between Smart Telecom (Smart) and Mobile-8 Telecom (Fren) operators until finally launching Andromax smartphone bundling products. When he withdrew from Smartfren, Djoko said, at that time he took advantage of the momentum to undergo a transition period for retirement. The switch to the 4G network made by Smartfren was used to provide an opportunity for a more competent team. "I took that momentum (for a transition) .After a new team, I retired, about two years ago," he said. Up to the time of the offer to return to the company, Djoko said that Smartfren needs concentration to expand its network and distribution channels more intensively. "So I was asked to go back and love this company and the team I have guided 10 years I can not say no," said Djoko. "I am very happy now to return shoulder to shoulder with a team that most of whom I know," he concluded. (rou / rou) smartfren andromax prime
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