The Ascent of the Evil Left

  1. 12,935 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 21
    So Ellen Degenerate is 60 years old.
    Portia (her wife) kisses her on stage and gives her the gift of a Gorilla sanctuary or some such crap.
    If you actually want to read about such atrocity go to the link below.
    The world we are living in it seems, has devalued real marriage. This homosexual who is openly broadcasting her perversity, can call a woman her "wife". Does this mean my/your wife is on a par as a human with this pervert?
    That's what the Evil left have done. Erased not only your hard financial work (by giving your money to bludgers) but they also erase your hard moral work. If you are a good honest straight shooter, you will be called somethingaphobic.

    May God help us all.
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