STX 2.33% 21.0¢ strike energy limited

Ann: Halliburton Agreement & Jaws-1 Update, page-6

  1. 3,004 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2728
    Hats off to management. Strike could do no better than to engage Halliburton, a world class contractor, under terms that provide both parties with incentives to succeed. If this project fails, we will have fired our very best possible shot and management can do no more than that. Fingers crossed from here.

    And I echo my thanks to our technically gifted posters. This would be an empty forum without you.

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21.5¢ 22.0¢ 21.0¢ $816.2K 3.806M

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14 1651930 21.0¢

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21.5¢ 1493773 16
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