who bombed turkey and why?, page-52

  1. 831 Posts.
    re: who bombed turkey and why? seppos? It would be worth noting the changes going on inside Russias politburo. Putin is begining to show his KGB pedigre and teeth. The arrest of prominent businesman and western agent turned politician is perhaps a warning of things to come. The unrest in georgia is another. Interestingly Georgia borders Turkey, NATO's largest standing army and their bullwark against Russian expansion and interests in the region.

    Now Turkey is ripe for the plucking because there lies a power vacuum. A pro Islamic party won government and had to succumb to udnemocratic forces suchas the army at the behest of their masters the US to curb the legitimate aspirations of a growing and very large but thus far silent majority, Muslim Turks who do not submit to the western idea of secular government. They take their cue from a hypocritcal west who say secular but practice the politics of Southern Hicks by humiliating Muslims as has been demonstrated of late. Ont he other hand is the state of Israel their 'friend' who is as welcome as their mentor Adolph Hitler in their treatment of Palestinians.

    Military and intelligence personnel fo the Soviet/ Afghanistan era have never forgiven the US for their interference in the Afghan occupation. Today politics makes very strange bedfellows. The Old Soviets and Afghan Mujahideen or Taliban as we know them are allies. "My enemies enemy is my friend".

    The US and Australia do not wnat to admit to it. But Kyrgistan, Turkarmenistan, Azerbijan and the other stans are the poorest of the CIS and can do with any economic help. And thatniow comes in the form of cladestine activity, arms smuggling, training and sipatch of mercenaries and highly trained military personnel as guerillas to carry out their jobs against the occupying allied forces of the west .

    As a Soviet general once promised, they will bleed the west white if they ever went into the area. An arrogant west has done just that.And they are being bled red,white and blue.

    Turkey was merely a warning of things to come. They will destabilise the allies of the west from within their midst first and rid themselves mercilessly of traitors (their perception) and collaborators in their midst. "What about Innocents and by standers?" well it has not mattered till now and to qwuote Madeline ALbright "A few hundred thousand dead children is a small price to pay for getting rid of Saddam", the same standard applies here. tehses are not ALbright democrats. They are soldiers who believe in the hereafter whether or not you and I agree. It is a war and an ugly one at that.

    trust me, this one is a fight to the death. There will be no middle ground. None. We can only hope that it will go on long enough for a nother generation from the other side to agree to negotiations from a weary and defeated west. The US is now on its last legs as a power. It is not the size of the dog in the fight that matters but the size of the fight in the dog.

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