AB1 0.00% 18.0¢ abarta resources limited

Found CDH in Australian App store, page-55

  1. 250 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 9
    I don't think we want them to spend anymore money with a non eventful ANN such as 'umm we released into Aus/nz' which most international businesses classify as part of the Asia pacific region. Peeps just expect too much from a company as an ANN especially those wanting a 3rd week revenue ANN which they have no obligation to really and it costs $$&. The fundamentals are clear, we don't need an ANN to keep the SP spikes for the T2 traders honestly, I would prefer to see management do a damn good job without a high cash burn rate, make strategic acquisitions which they have an then do a real ANN when it sustains an SP the market will be happy with. AIMO Nn
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Currently unlisted public company.

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