Germans Once again pull apart a Tesla, page-12

  1. 37,699 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    You are carrying on as if we are going to replace all the vehicles on the road tomorrow . You seem to forget that this is a progressive change over time . The power grid is already being modified for renewable energy and distributed storage .

    If you watched the previous video that I posted you will see how managing the charging of a 100% electric car fleet is possible and the impact on the grid is nowhere near as bad as you claim .

    Feel free to post some actual numbers to counter the study in the video if you like .

    Yes , we are going to shift the energy demand from petrol and diesel to electricity generation from various forms and that will increase the load on the grid . But , it won't overload it because of modern management tequniques .

    There is an argument that you would be just shifting the polluting from the car to the power station however there are studies that powering an electric car fleet from coal and gas is more efficient than from petrol and gas . The benefit of that is that not all the power on the grid is from coal and gas and that amount is being reduced day by day by renewables . So as renewable generation grows , the car fleet gets greener .

    The grid is not " crapping it's pants now " . That is simply bs . Have a look at the power demand chart during a normal day . Have a look at the duck curve of renewables as well . There is huge capacity within the grid . It is only a timing issue that creates a problem . The included talk by Amory Lovins explains how this could be managed in America . A power system quite similar to ours .

    Nuclear is not the saviour . It is crazy expensive and it's build time makes it impractical . 10 years to build a nuclear power station ? We can build an awful lot of renewable and storage in that time and it will be a progressive increase rather than doing without the power for a decade until the nuke is built .

    How often does your mate need to find a charging station ? If his car is charged at home it will be rare that he need to charge it anywhere else . Range anxiety for the vast majority is a myth for the average driver . The average Australian drives 15k per year . That's under 60ks per day on weekdays in a year . Even the smallest ev today can manage that .

    I do agree that the technology isn't where it needs to be , particularly in storage . But that area is progressing and is quite predictible in where it is heading .

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