President Trump Ranks Last in 'Presidential Greatness,' According to Historians, page-13

  1. 85,885 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75

    "Barak Obama cleaned up Healthcare, "

    well, he did bring in the biggest changes in health care in history - but, of course, even though poor people had far better access by that action --- Trump wants to overturn it

    "stopped gun deaths, "

    He brought in law that made it harder for people with mental illness to access guns --------- Trump overturned that - he must have thought that it's ok for people with mental illness to have guns.
    Obama also didn't have power in both houses --- Trump has power in both houses and is President -- there are NO excuses - he has the power - he can act fairly easily. Obama was always up against it.

    "reduced debt"
    - no, debt massively increased -- in response to a crisis that was about to bring the entire global financial existence to an end ----- we cannot know what would have happened if he didn't do that as advised. Trump - is also increasing debt massively - but, Trump doesn't have a global financial crisis to deal with - he just thinks it's a good idea.
    Thanks to Obama, we are all still breathing --- whether we can say that after some Trump time - will be decided by the Universe.

    "transformed the plight of blacks,"

    for most of the tenure of Barack Obama's Presidency - Black unemployment dropped - for years - until Trump won - then, it has continued on the trend that Obama began - it's called momentum. Trump thinks it's because he is brilliant.

    "stopped the rise of North Korea" -

    no one has been able to arrest the military rise of NK - no one.

    "the waking up of the Chinese war machine"

    it is fairly obvious that Western nations everywhere are responsible for outsourcing their labour and industry to China that has resulted in it's massive growth --- if you want to think that's a problem - then, look no further than the very keyboard you are typing on -- all of us are responsible for buying Chinese.
    If you want to consider the growth in China's military - like, their first aircraft carrier and, heaven forbid their first overseas military base as 'waking up a war machine' - well, go right ahead - most of us understand that as an economy grows, normally, so does military expenditure ------------ if in doubt - ask Trump - he's doing it on debt.
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