The Media and its Agenda

  1. 8,044 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 32
    fascinatng read in a book about persuasion..........

    "The press may not be succesfsul in telling people what to think BUT
    they are stunningly successful at what we should be thinking about".

    So has anyone any ideas about what we are being hoodwinked into thinking about at the moment?

    Interesting comment recently is that Turnball is having some real success in the US with President Trump at the moment. That was the only one i have noticed... that one comment.

    So why all the fuss about barnaby.... why does the media want us to think about barnaby? and not burke, not short on, not ................

    what is the agenda of the media at the moment? anyone out there with any thorts.... cmon "eags" you have lots dont you ?
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