Pauline Hanson opposes corporate tax cuts.

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    Wonder how the right wing conservatives here will react given Pauline Hanson has said she does not support the Turnbull govt’s Corporate tax cuts. If One Nation in the Senate votes with Labor and the Greens to oppose the cuts then the cuts are dead in the water. Will the righties here comment or shirk the issue  because Hanson is involved lol!

    "However, the buzz doesn't look like being felt in Australia after the government lost key votes in the Senate for its company tax plan.

    One Nation leader Pauline Hanson has reiterated her opposition to the cut, which would see the company tax rate fall to 25 per cent, from 30 per cent, for all businesses over the next decade.

    Asked if this was the end of company tax cuts in this term of the parliament, Finance Minister Mathias Cormann said: "I hope not."
    "Families around Australia absolutely need us to ensure that all businesses can have access to a globally competitive business tax rate," he told ABC radio.
    "If we do not pass our business tax cuts in full, we will miss out on investment, we will miss out on growth, we will miss out on jobs and higher wages."

    Writing in The Australian on Monday, Senator Hanson pointed to the government's "false claim" that company income taxes drive business investment.
    "This is ridiculous - all it does is undermine my confidence in the government and their advisers," she said.

    The loss of three One Nation votes in the upper house means the government's legislation will fail.
    It needs nine of the 11-strong Senate crossbench to pass legislation, given Labor and the Greens are also opposed to the cuts.
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