GRR 5.00% 21.0¢ grange resources limited.

Ann: Grange Full Yr Statutory Accts 12 Months Ended 31 Dec 2017, page-17

  1. 691 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 262
    I don't understand why this company holds US$. It resulted in a $7.5million loss for the year.

    They don't pay expenses in US$ so don't need to hold US$.

    The company should be selling US$ forward to the value of sales and not be exposed to to the exchange rate.

    This is just a crazy strategy or a mark of gross incompetence. Whoever is responsible should be asked to reconsider there position.

    Unbelievable. No wonder some of the posters missed the profit predictions.
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20.0¢ 21.0¢ 20.0¢ $271.9K 1.333M

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1 20000 20.5¢

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21.0¢ 283727 11
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Last trade - 16.10pm 24/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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