what to do with a can of spaghetti???

  1. 30,179 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    a few years ago, watso recalls flicking through the tv channels, and watching one of those "living in the bush" type shows - being a bit of a bushy himself, watso was interested. watso seems to recall watching something about a super dooper meal, using a can of spaghetti as a base (ok too long ago to remember, but it certainly was not a can of red kidney beans).

    anyway, today was not a day for one of watso's gourmet cooking sensations - just a day to take it easy, with the intention of looking on the net about cooking suggestions with a can of spaghetti - but in the meantime settle on what his unimaginative mind could conjure.

    ok - nice sunny day in perth today, so watso is pre heating a pie in an old glass lidded frypan (will finish that off in the bench top oven - then enjoy with tomato sauce).. also in the same frypan, there is one kransky sausage (straight from the freezer and watso is regretting only buying 8 of them @20c each).

    in another frypan with a glass lid, and filled water, watso is heating a can of spaghetti (from memory 65c from aldi) . the idea is to obviously dice up the kransky sausage and mix with the spaghetti - and that will be part of a cheap and nasty meal

    mmm how cheap and nasty is this for a lunch meal..

    .. pie with tomato sauce - cost about 80c
    .. can spaghetti with kransky sausage 85c
    .. sandwich with egg, rtc corned beef, beetroot, cheese etc.. cost $???

    total cost = sub $2.50

    lol - washed down with a bottle of $2.70 wine from aldi

    (keep in mind, that a glass of house wine at the casino was about $8, from memory)

    meanwhile, watso will keep looking for good recipe ideas using a can of spaghetti as a base
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