Zimbabwe MK II, page-34

  1. 16,479 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 8028
    "I think we just get on living life doing the RIGHT thing, and embrace FAIRNESS to all....."
    Where were you when there was apartheid in South Africa practised by the minority white South Africans ? It lasted nearly 50 years, yes, 50 years.
    Where was Dutton then ?"


    I am very proud to say that Australia was one of the first countries to apply sanctions to the heinous apartheid regime, backed by the voices of Australian leaders at the time, as well as many ordinary Australians who had a belief in fairness and equal treatment of all people.

    But, now, when the next generation of Australians, speaking with those same voices of fairness and calling for one particular group of people to not be treated badly by another group of people, then somehow you suddenly have an issue with that?

    Once again, you are trying to fight racial prejudice and bigotry from a platform which is demonstrably racially prejudiced and bigoted.

    PS. I trust that you will not again respond to me like you did the last time when I called you out on this hypocritical stance of yours, when you sanctimoniously deemed that I was wrong because my understanding of the English language was somehow of an inferior quality.

    As I said to you in a previous post, which you conveniently chose to ignore, "To conduct yourself with a supercilious tone that is akin to, "If you don't like what I say, it is because you are linguistically inept," feels to me more the attitude of a nobleman lording it over his peasant, than it is of someone who is a champion of societal equity.

    That sort of cultural elitism and intellectual bigotry which you display is not what made Australia great.
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