Why chance going to hell for eternity

  1. 3,567 Posts.
    Going to avoid the word know and instead use believe.
    No alive human ' knows ' what happens after our last breath.

    Many believe that in the end there is nothing and that life now is all there is, full stop.
    Well that sure explains a lot of behaviours that are used by many to cope with a nothing afterlife.

    A lesser amount ( includes me ) believe and accept that Christ is the reason that all and anything ever was, is and forever will be, we don't KNOW this but instead we believe it to be so.

    If we are wrong, then there is nothing, but we have been happy while alive from a strong unbreakable belief that provides us with ongoing joy, happiness and contentment now.

    If we are right ( and that is our unbreakable belief ), then those who reject Christ have a horrible eternity waiting for them.

    Readers here take risks by trading and look to avoid or reduce risk as much as possible.

    So what are you risking by accepting Christ ?

    Point ?

    Being Christian ( genuine ) is your best investment and has no risk.

    and if we are wrong then what have you lost ?
    NOTHING, because we will never know

    If we are right, then rejectors of Christ have lost EVERTHING and for eternity the punishment will never stop along with regrets, hauntings of past bad deeds, a hindsight that never stops.

    I can't imagine any intelligent mind taking on that gamble and what even boggles my rattled mind further is how easy Christ has made it for everyone to accept Him yet many won't.

    Horse to water, but refuses to drink
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