housing survey, page-52

  1. 3,795 Posts.

    I have been working the same Victorian land subdivision for 7 years on the 11th September 2008 , therefore have been there since 2001 . I built a house in there about 5 years ago , the package cost me " give or take " 192k all up to build . Today its worth around 310k + , the tennant pays $270 pw .

    Over this period of time , development costs have increased a lot , so have building materials , Labour steady .
    In Melbourne we have 2030 , which means there are boundaries to stop the increased Urban growth , unless this legislation is changed there is a line drawn in the sand with regard to Urban growth boundaries , the supply side of land is extremely tight , while demand has increased . All this without even attempting to encourage the investor market , just no scope for that on the supply side .

    I have worked in this industry for many years , always using property as the basis of all I do , I have done many housing projects personally and yes I was around in 1989 and actually purchased two houses that year . I have a sizable amount of funds invested in both property (direct ) and equity markets . Im pretty much getting bored with this thread , because Its just into a downward spiral of an individuals aspiration to be correct , so I will make this my last post on the thread and move on for Im sure we all have better things to do .

    If you genuinely believe that you can totally time the property market please think again , I have seen it many times over the years , these people tend to end up with the latest four wheel drive ( depreciating rapidly ) and little else .If you want to rent that fine , it will be an increasing sector plus people Dhuy and myself need people in our houses , plus my 18 year old daughter will need someone to rent hers ..we will see a European type trend here , and thats good we all need tannants to pay off the houses , tennants are extremely important and must be treated well ..mine are .

    As I said before , you dont have to buy ..You cant rent , or pitch a tent near the river , that is until they move you on , there are many reasons why one would not rent , you know what they are , I certainly would do it , Im guessing Dhuy would be unlikely to , and I know Kinsella wouldnt .

    So I wish all well , we all make our own choices , but please dont Kid yourself that there is going to be anything Drastic happen in the Australian market , some parts of the country will grow quicker than others , we can all debate that . Also a good idea when looking at the USA to look at it on a State by State basis , Its quite a big place you know ? ..lol . Results differ a lot .

    Good luck to all .
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