Malcolm Turnbull is streets ahead of Tony Abbott, page-64

  1. 61,401 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 727
    dan, countless times we have post examples of what the Turnbull government have been doing and achieving but you deliberately ignore them.

    I'll try again

    Business confidence is up
    • Jobs growth is best it's been in a long time
    • Unemployment rate is down
    • Government revenue is up
    • Government expenditure is down
    • Trade surpluses have been achieved
    • On track to achieving a budget surplus ahead of schedule
    • Over all the economy has improved and doing better than it has since the GFC

    As far as the cash splash goes;
    • Infrastructure spending creates jobs and there is a multiplier effect with tax revenue received and people spending money, the infrastructure it's self get to be enjoyed for many years to come
    • Tax cuts to business makes Australia a more attractive place for business to invest and provides jobs and growth
    • Personal income tax cuts benefits individuals, the tax cuts in the coming budget aimed at low and middle income earners is particularly welcome ATM because they may not bet benefiting from the improving economy yet

    I will not pretend the the next budget doesn't have the next election in mind, every government frames the budget before an election with that election in mind. And quite frankly the Turnbull government needs to do all it can to stop labor winning the next election and Shorten becoming PM

    You problem is that you still have not got over Abbott being dumped, hence you hate Turnbull and in your eyes Turnbull can do nothing right
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