Myth of Jesus, page-1009

  1. 27,732 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    "So, to sum up your statement and keep it short - What your saying is and this is based on what we know of the Bible, you only want half truths."

    That is a good example of a reason for not wanting to start a thread on biblical material that supports the belief in a Trinity.
    You, sadly, jump to conclusions about people's motives. For example you assume that I only want half truths ("you only want half truths").

    "An example of that, as you have pretty much shown in the past, with the Thomas matter.
    And the vital half truth you seemed to want excluded then was - The Key of why Thomas said what he did."

    That's another reason for not wanting to start a thread on biblical material that supports the belief in a Trinity. Many believers call opinions that contradict their own either lies or if they are feeling half charitable, half truths. This is a short cut into a slanging match.

    "The reason I said that where necessary, we needed to rely on the Greek, was because, there is "clear" evidence in places, where someone has translated the Greek and supposedly placed the English equivalent word, from "which" our translations are based on, that this English "word" is NOT even an option to chose from."

    I'm not a Greek scholar and certainly know very little of the Greek used by Paul et al at the time that the OT was written. I find modern English difficult enough to interpret never mind ancient Greek which I can't count among languages that I'm even vaguely familiar with. I wouldn't waste my time trying to check the accuracy of Greek to English translations. I do know from other languages that word for word translations don't always accurately convey meaning.

    "The staggering part of this is, no one want to know about it?"
    I just know my limitations - its not to do not wanting to know.
    "But yes, I understand and accept, that you don't want to play haha."

    "But at the same time, at least you at times, give your reasons why you think this and that, and don't just brush off what someone else says, or your have a GO, at countering and admit, if you don't have the answer."
    I think this short exchange supports my view that if I started a thread on reasons for supporting a belief in the Trinity, a slanging match would result.
    Dammit, we are only discussing my starting such a thread and already we are coming close to a slanging match.
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