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  1. 41,275 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 48
    Bon "apa"tit" and all that... " a b of t being the best,,,but thats a long lost mamory 4 one.
    All to individual tastes,,,
    Persoanly have never eaten any filter feeders,,, ( opps did once,,, never after,,,as shat through the eye of a needle
    for 3 days..... could have done a Jackson Pollack,, in mundaine hues... ( no please dont try to imagine it) mind
    you the ANG might have payed 10 grand for it,considering what they buy,,,thats the market,,go fig one cant

    Mind you raw tuna,,(con lemmon), any pelargic,, grilled with thyme,,,and just some salt and butter..

    Slow grilled shanpper,,, as in 15min...
    With sea beads,,, and sea lettuce,,, oh me oh my,,,,
    Wants one to do a trip to the sea,,,but its so far away,,,,and so much to do...

    Enjoy you tucker,,whatever it is,,one never judges,,,
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