Myth of Jesus, page-1302

  1. 950 Posts.
    Hi MrGordon
    Firstly I don't endorse the KJV. I only quoted from it because Wotsup holds it in such high esteem.
    If you look at any interlinear even your own KIT, there is no it ,
    but the Spirit of Christ in them is the person testifying

    MrGordon , you may call it Catholic dogma but at
    There are nearly thirty bibles that are almost identical in their translation, all saying Spirit of Christ.
    They are not Catholic but they are all Christian, so where does that leave you?

    How long MrGordon will you endorse the lie of the NWT when your own Kingdom Interlinear Translation
    shows it is a falsehood?

    MrGordon, God spoke to the prophets

    2pet 1:21
    For no prophecy was ever borne by
    man’s will; but men spake from God, being borne on by the Holy​
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