Is the Bible True?, page-547

  1. 4,508 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 783
    Your fear of American fundamentalists is misplaced IMO. The politicians will frame their actions to appeal to them.

    It will be off-topic and unproductive to debate the reasons forthe bad things that have been happening in American society and politics. Let's just say it is a controversial subject; with my opinion being, that the evil which has actually occurred is not primarily because of people's religious beliefs.

    It is because of immoral criminals who have been in power, both in elected and unelected positions in both parties and outside the government, who came to power on the assassination of Kennedy. They have successfully duped the American public.

    Eisenhower, Kennedy, Reagan, Carter, and Trump are innocent.

    Nixon & Ford were aware of things but do not have blood on their hands.

    Johnson was a criminal. The Bushes...people will see after the old man dies. The Clintons are dirty, worse than Johnson.

    We may not get to the bottom of the question about God. But the truth is coming out about American politics.

    Religious fundamentalism is not the problem. It is a false issue to get people fired up, divided, and distracted.

    Like race and putting labels on bathrooms.
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