Solar - Terrestrial connection, page-3

  1. 15,389 Posts.
    No problems for me reading the paper?

    I know it hurts.  Just another one stating the obvious solar terrestrial connection.

    Shoot even NASA back in the 70s made correlations that numpties today just do not want to see.  And I have posted them before as well.  Perhaps you should try the link again and click the pdf

    or i can help you out.

    Solar wind signatures throughout the high latitude atmosphere.

    Pretty hard to argue anything other than what it is.  Pressure anomalies,  hurricane correlations,  what else do you need.

    You guys can keep on ignoring the science.  And you can even pretend that you have accepted it.  But all you are doing is depriving yourself of knowledge.

    If it interests you I have now almost got the QBO and geometric Planetary configurations close enough to boast about.  But not yet.

    there is a Russian paper that actually talks about the solar geometry and terrestrial stratospheric zonal winds.

    At the 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 2-10 August 2014, in Moscow, Russia the following paper was submitted
    Quasi-Biennial Oscillation as the Result of Planetary Motion
    All I can get is a abstract.
    But boy what they said has been enough for me to go WOW!

    I have downloaded the Horizon's ephermeris data.  And again.  OH BOY i say just WOW!
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