A Brief History of Tomorrow, page-114

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1

    Hey,........have you done the checking on the Dragon yet ----> China, every hallmark of the 1st first Beast you could think of.

    This XI, from a very wealthy family and yet was sent to do his Schooling in a very poor area etc etc, training, prepping for this future roll.
    His vision out to 2050 is to be the world power, and look who gives him his power = The Dragon and the Chinese live and breath Dragon, a Dragon nation with Very, limited Christians.
    The Christian's they do have, have to be registered or else and some meet underground.
    This latest Pope is about to sign or enter a deal with XI, to allow Bishops, 7 of (or whatever they call their satan helpers), but the deal is, XI has to be the one, to chose them as that's what XI insist on = FISHY.

    This XI is effectively their 10th, whatever they call them, they once were, then not and now they ARE etc (the wound was healed).
    Who can make war with them.
    A little while ago, EU meetings etc are on concerned as to how their all effectively, having to rely on China and us Big time.
    The last Trump, is stirring them up big time ATM, hook in the jaw, come into US from the North over Canada.
    They recently sent up space junk, electronic jamming devises,... as when the US is hit, gone 1 hr, the Army is in total disarray, confused and totally unable to do anything.

    From the basics from what I see, we are effectively Israel, and guess who are the third Temple, God's people, and he is coming the clean out the Temple
    US are the Shepherd and God is VERY peeved off as they didn't Shepherd their sheep, Babylon has Fallen has Fallen.
    China leaves or only ends up with 1/6th = Who gets them?
    However, there still no gone, and the second Beast causes them the worship the first Beast = Dragon ---> satan, and the sacrifice and offerings to cease = not allowed to be Christian etc.

    Now when this goes on, guess what, these Muslims, that have set their seeds all around the world, will become like savages everywhere. The Turkish guy, possibly little horn, Ottoman Empire revival is his goal, the place know as Israel, look out.
    The Turk leader, has already been suggesting, or his leader has, "we" have enough Muslims just in numbers, if we all unite, to storm Israel with just man power alone, like white ants, and no big guns or bombs needed as they don't want to pollute their satanic site, the Mount, Dome.

    Timeline, EVERY thing, like clockwork in History ---> Rosh Hasnanah their Last Trump of around 100 = significant No and not to mention, aligns with end of WW1 finish date/timing.

    The 144,000 --> I'm telling you, from my checking, they DON'T appear to be preaching in the Trib, everyone on the net that I look at, ALL keep ADDING their OWN inventions, rubbish and adding this theory that they are in the Trib.

    My gut on the 144,000 started 2016, Jupiter/Virgo alignment, they were drawn is simply went about trying to find truth as the varying faiths, deferring interpretations ----> SHOULD NOT be, based on the Comforter subject, it SHOULD be impossible to have differences, as their is ONLY "ONE" Spirit of Truth = Ding Dong.

    In other words, no matter what, "they" would not tolerate the slightest deviation from truth, listened to what the Bible "actually" says AND the Spirit of Truth, right their with them, right hand leading them, so to speak.
    I don't know if you know, at times, the Bible, certain passages, if their not effectively talking directly to you at times, there and then, you need to be asking, WHY Not and that is regardless of, OT or NT?

    I may send you some interesting info, the name Francis = Why did he opt for that name, hmm?
    As I may have said to you, I don't go on what others say etc, don't trust, so this Francis subject, findings in not of man, apart from the me and you know who.
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