What if we had no armed forces, page-37

  1. 22,906 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 769
    Our Defence Forces should be styled to counter our enemy threats. One would assume that our number one threat is Indonesia followed closely by China. Other threats would seem to be domestic which is primary the role of the Fed Police & ASIO to counter.
    It seems absurd to ask the taxpayer to foot the bill for defending our resources when 80% of our mines is foreign owned with
    a significant saher of that Chinese owned when argueably China is our second most serious security threat! The beneficial owners of our resources should pay for their security but, of course, these multinationals do their damnedest to avoid paying any Aussie tax at all! (just check out Glencore 2015-16 ATO report)

    Our military activity since WW2 has been riding shotgun for Uncle Sam* with the exception of our very brief incursion into East Timor in the late 90s.

    We should be building up our border protection systems rather than equipping ourselves for the next US war overseas and Canada is a good model to follow (see their military spend above)

    * -fighting communism in Korea in the 1950s (defacto China)
    -fighting communism in Vietnam 1960s-70s (defacto China)
    -Fighting Islam in Middle east (2003-present)
    While now we are 40% economically dependant on Communist China, trade liberally with Communist Vietnam and we have
    taken in hundreds of thousands of Muslinm refugees & economic migrants.

    In summary a waste of taxpayers funds fighting these US led wars.
    (Note: Trump has now prohibited the entry of Muslims from select war areas which, in many cases, the CIA has initiated or,
    at best, aided and abetted)
    Last edited by moorookamick: 11/07/18
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