IPCC Models Sloppy And Lopsided

  1. 15,488 Posts.
    They just keep coming out now.  Mind yhou these papers were always out there  just a bit harder to find.

    Japanese Scientists: IPCC Models Sloppy And Lopsided, Major Factors “Not Adequately Represented”

    The researchers feel that the major drivers of the Earth’s climate are more related to the sun and the oceans, and CO2’s role has been exaggerated.

    The paper cites, for example, Levitus et al., which found multidecadal temperature oscillations with magnitudes as large as 4°C for the Barents Sea at depths of 100–150m and that the timing of the oscillation coincided with the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO), a major factor in the Atlantic Ocean.

    The team of scientists found a clear influence of the solar wind on climate, and thus solar activity “should be considered much more than conventionally believed”.

    The authors state, “once its mechanism becomes clearer and incorporated into climate models, it will greatly contribute to policy development.”

    “The effectiveness of climate models is greatly reduced when the influence of the sun (and moon) is not adequately represented,” they state in the paper’s conclusion

    Evaluating the magnitude of natural climate variations is important because it can greatly affect future climate policies. As an example, we examine the influence of changes in solar activity (solar wind in particular) on surface temperatures (Ts) and major teleconnection patterns such as the Arctic Oscillation and Pacific Decadal Oscillation. We compared correlation maps (spatial distribution of correlation coefficient) for a combination of Ts and a geomagnetic index (aa, an indicator of solar wind strength) and a combination of Ts and the teleconnection patterns. The phase of the quasi-biennial oscillation of the equatorial zonal wind and magnitude of sunspot number were considered. As a result, we found that the influence of the solar wind is as strong as that of the teleconnection patterns and hence, the former appears to affect the climate via the latter. It was also found that both the solar wind and ultraviolet change should be considered to explain the influence of solar activity variability, i.e., a multi-pathway scheme is necessary.
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