we need more pogroms please, page-11

  1. 831 Posts.
    Dear Yak,

    Tracking people down over the internet is not rocket science. I could show you how it is done. Whats bothering me and I am sure a lot of others is that this is becomming a Jewish propaganda site with no relevance to economics, finance or the markets.

    The same whinning about 'anti semetism' (of which the Jews are the worst considering Arabs are semites) and 'anti westernism' (who the shi t are you or your ilk to annoint yourselves custodians of western values or protectors or defendants of the west where you are so revilled!!).

    The west is not some sort of generic place or existence but a thriving culture of me and you and not you and you. The means by which you describe every form of human activity as if it were the captive prerogative of Jews is what attracts the shots accross your bow.

    We live in a new century where you are no longer able to hide behind the veneer of persecution and claim a monopoly on morality when the state you back is the worst example of state sponsored terrorism. And if you were a yardstick to measure the rest of your class by, you are also abject unmitigated racists (everything Christian, or Muslim is anti semetic). You also are the compelte antithesis of Democratic values crying Holoucast and Persecution, 'anti semite' when you lose an argument or your ilk are questioned about its very undemocratic activities the world over from financing and arming Apartheid, Iran (the Iran gate affair), Argentian, Brazil, and any other despot for money, money and money.

    This has nothing to dow ith anti semetism. It has ll to do with being a bad loser. You and your little band of small di cks on this forum. Go make cheezels of your foreskils p rick. Lets talk money and leave this bull aside. This is not Israel or Saudi Arabia or China. If you live in Australia then your alligience should be to Australia and our perspectives should reflect that.

    Mazal Tov mashoogeh!! Shana Tova
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