we need more pogroms please, page-55

  1. 831 Posts.
    I have posted more info on stocks and done so independently of the 'Pump and Dump' you and your mates have been dong here on behalf of one persecuted RR.

    It was I who did the posting which I was susbequently questioned on in relation to Phoenix. Their CEO whis by race your nemesis turned on me and I turned in to be questioned on the issue. it is not HC that does the turning in.

    When a couple of mining companies did a boast and went for their guns same thing mate. I stood my ground and will continue to do so.

    The BHP takeover / Merger with Billiton I did 6 months before it happened. Four months before oil went US$31. I did the call and was once more asked to show my assessment methods and sources of data which I gladly did. Who to?? well ask yourself.

    Then came a warning from the legal advisors of a certain regulator. We agreed to lay off for a number of valid reasons. The acceptance of the validity of my criticism was a condition to which I deffered and withdrwew my personal criticisms of the man. The facts remain.

    When a certain young Egyptian entreprenuer made squillions on an outdated technology I did an evaluation of his work and his company came under attack. I also threw the book at his undewriters. I have not heard back from them for the past 2 years about wanting to sue me for defamation.

    Macmahons was the other little 'insider job' I was suspected of doing. I wrote my explanations and went on the record. I have not been found to be in breach of any regulation or law in that regard.

    I will challenge you from your litany of provocative anti human postings and anti religious smut which you hide behind the 'anti semite' 'anti jew' banner. I did not start it YOU DID> YOU COWARD.

    Then with your little following of beady eyed filth you went on the offensive defence believeing us all who dared stand up against you to be 'anti semites' 'racists' and the like.

    Hey you don't have the intelligence to take over pussy. Trust me. You initiate and I will continue to respond. Religion, race and political bigotry does make money. Ask Sharon, Begin before him and his cohorts from Meyer Lanskey, Seigel, Zwillman, Stacher (who lives in retirement in Tel Aviv) Milken, Levine, and do you want me to continue.

    Every action has a reaction. Every reaction a counter reaction. I don't buy the persecution complex from people who kill and maim for no reason claiming the defence of their 'rights' not on this site at least.

    If you want t o argue or discuss matters of finance or economics I will pick up the challenge. If you want to propagate Israel or Anti Islamic sentiments whih you and your little d ick brigade small brained as you are did after Sept 11 then it is on the record. I did not initiate this venting of the spleen. You did. You Yuk!!! Go to hell with your self pity.

    Theres money in garbage but not in the blood of ninnocents. may I remind you what a group of people chanted 2,000 years ago for your own information. "His Blood be on us and our children!!", they weren't Palestinians.

    I don't ask you to feel sorry for China inspite of over 20 million Killed by the Japs whom you people support to the hilt and did even then under the Tojo Plan and the communists. We just go on. No use crying over our past mistakes. I leave that to my father and his generation to cope with. Your grandmothers problem is not ours. Go away if you are afraid of the truth. Call me anti semite or whatever. You are a coward.

    The AUD is about to hit a high of an additional 5 cents and then dive before April 2004.

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