AGY 3.45% 3.0¢ argosy minerals limited

General Comments & Banter, page-5180

  1. 251 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 266
    Purely waiting for BG confirmation which I believe they already have if you read between the lines of the last announcement. They are just refining it, making the process consistent and cost efficient. Once that happens it will be a snow ball effect. Offtake agreement and PEA will then follow almost immediately. The updated JORC is not far away either. Super cheap at the moment when you compare where we are now and about to be compared with last year. Only a matter of time IMO and that could be a very short amount of time.

    A lot of the big companies will ramp up their production, absolutely, but for most this will take about 3 years so anyone who can start producing between now and then is in an ideal situation to take advantage of the shortage. There is no better brine play positioned to do just this hence why there is an offtake ready to be signed as soon as we start pumping out BG. All obviously in my opinion. DYOR.
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