its only going to get worse, page-26

  1. 6,316 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 54
    Hi Tony,

    I think you hit the nail on the head by saying you have not seen it in the mining sector. How could you given we are in a commodities super cycle as Chip Goodyear once stated?

    Look around in W.A and property. Everything is going gangbusters.

    However, the Eastern States are not so lucky.
    The resource boom has been a lifesaver for Australia as a whole. Yet, there are a lot of sectors not fairing so well.

    Farmers have had it tough for along time.
    Inflation hitting the average Australian in Oil and Food.
    Now the Eastern States in particular are facing Mortgage Rate rises with continual shortage of houses for rental.

    IMO, there is a real disparity between the "Haves & Have Nots". At some point in time it is going to place an even larger burden on society and the general economy.

    The number of small businesses going to the wall is increasing.

    In the sector i am in, it is very tough.
    Yet, there are large firms able to whether the storms and buy out small companies at a fraction of their real value.
    The little guy loses out.

    Will be interesting to see how Kevin Rudd handles our future.

    Current account deficit continues to widen.

    I think we are heading for more major collapses as the spending & investment schackles tighten.

    Yet, given all the doom and gloom of the US - UK - Europe
    we will come out of all this far better because of the resilience of our resource sector.

    What does that say?

    Look for potential winners.

    The best way to whether a storm.

    Therefore, buy more UMC.



    Cheers markco2
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