Turnbull Tanked after knifing Abbott

  1. 46,444 Posts.
    And he has not recovered @Justis

    Newspoll: how Malcolm Turnbull has tanked after rolling Tony Abbott

    On September 14 2015, after 30 consecutive Newspolls had put the Coalition government, led by Tony Abbott, far behind Labor, Malcolm Turnbull resigned from the Cabinet and announced he would challenge for the leadership.
    In announcing the move, Mr Turnbull stated that Mr Abbott “was not capable of providing the economic leadership we need” and that the Liberal Party needed a “style of leadership that respects the people’s intelligence.”
    The challenger won the leadership spill by a vote of 54 to 44, becoming the 29th Prime Minister of Australia.
    Fast forward to the July 2, 2016, double-dissolution federal election, which Mr Turnbull won by a single seat.
    His election honeymoon didn’t last long, and the August 30 Newspoll put the coalition and Labor at 50-50.
    Newspoll has tracked his fortunes thus:
    • Since then the coalition has consistently trailed Labor in two-party terms.
    • The downward drift for the Liberal-National coalition occurred at the same time there was furious political debate over a compulsory same-sex marriage plebiscite, giving voters a clear impression of disunity in the government.
    • Turnbull endured a terrible 2016-17 summer, losing minister Sussan Ley over an expenses scandal, facing a series of stories exposing Centrelink’s “robodebt” plan, the leaked feisty phone call with Donald Trump and Liberal senator Cory Bernardi quitting to form Australian Conservatives.
    • By mid-February 2017 the Newspoll two-party rating for coalition sunk to 45 per cent.
    • As the parliamentary year began, the coalition’s stocks picked up, hitting 48 per cent in March as Turnbull legislated for an MP expenses watchdog and secured a small business tax cut, giving an impression of getting on with the job.

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