policing the muslims in oz., page-58

  1. 3,972 Posts.


    My argument is that with our loss of press freedoms, our loss of civil liberties, our loss of human rights has happened on account of the anti-muslim, not the muslim themselves. People keep going on and on and on about protecting our way of life yet the government legislate against our way of life without a blink. And the loudest support is from those screaming no one can interfere with our way of life? No logic.

    A government peppered with religous right that pandered to extreme religous cults. Andrews being a member of some bizzare religous group in the US. Abbot accused of being Opus Dei. All in bed with Exclusive Bretheren. Plus the religous politicians meeting from both sides of parliament to discuss how religion could be honoured by legislation.

    So given all religous extremists are a concern why doens't anyone care we are losing our democraic rights and freedoms in the name of religion anyways. What difference at the end of the day. Australia has lost what was fought hard for.

    Check the numbers of leigislation passed, check to see how far down the list we are on press freedoms, check to see what the federal Police can do without cause or proof.

    We have thrown what the digger fought for down the toilet.

    We have, not the muslims, all our doing.

    By doing so we have laws now that unfairly target some members of our socirty based on their religion. This will only lead to increased hatred toward us. Our doing.
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