The blokes got a point, page-39

  1. 34,207 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1893
    "What needed to happen was them to be told to rack off, grow up and help themselves."

    Easier said than done sure some can adapt and help themselves but imagine you had an IQ of around 62 so about the same as the average 10 year old white kid or
    • Under 70 - Extremely low/intellectually deficient
    Now I have an 11 year old great great grandchild , and there is no way he is able to help himself , yes he will "grow up " and probably have an average IQ of around 100 , but it is impossible for the average Aboriginal to grow up and have an IQ of 100 the difference between an IQ of 62 and 100 is just too big a bridge to cross as an adult , couple that with drug dependencies and family and friends also doomed by a low IQ and there really is no hope for them in getting a decent job , they can not be blamed and should not be given false expectations as they will never move as a population from having an average IQ of that of an average 10 year old
    I am sure I will be cast as a racist for stating University validated studies , but countless studies prove it , why give false expectations and be patronising by assuming aboriginals will be capable of integrating in modern society ?

    As to going to Aboriginal communities I use to work in Katherine , and know first hand there is no way the average Aboriginals there could help themselves , orgies in the street at 6 am as I went to work , letting there mates get run over outside the pub as they laugh drunkenly on the footpath , using the ovens as barbecues in newly built homes , tearing out the AC , stopping traffic on the namin highway into town , the girls throwing themselves over you in front of their brothers , the list goes on .
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