Our mutual friend has wanted me to share some more information on ZroNet as pictured in the quarterly for Ghana
ZroNet started retweeting Overpass tweets back in 2017 and was the offering African Telcos were using but obviously the tech wasn’t as good as Syntonics (much like Roamfree which SMART have been using until changing to Syntonic Services) or Zronet wouldn’t be white labelling and taking the last 7 or so months to integrate and test our technology for use within African Telco partners this quarter
Anyone wanting validation of what Syntonic have created need to look not too much further, as others attempts at data free service companies are now swapping out their services and beginning to run with Syntonics
Sponsored data has been waiting for a technology to create the space, which needed to be unified/cross carrier so that it could be scaled out globally giving users and brands/content mass access and ultimately being viable and a great way to engage and advertise (watch opari and what happens over the next year for scale)
Incredible back half of the year ahead in terms of globalisation of our technology
And could well get nice little licensing agreements coming in faster than in the past due to the pipeline having other clients closer to signing deals, due to all the work going on which we can’t see over the past two years and two MWC’s
Beginning to think Gary wasn’t delusional when he said we were a part of the water supply now in the mobile world
Time will bring all things to light