taxpayer handouts to fossil fuels, page-14

  1. 1,364 Posts.
    Peterpumkinhead & Atomou

    You reflect the GREEN argument beautifully

    Firstly the article posted by Peterpumkinhead

    I am not against clean energy, in fact I am all for it. But I do no it will not be perfected in my generation. Not enough time and at the moment not one source of reliable funding. You can not jump up and down about developing a technology unless you provide a means to pay for it. Now in a time of cut backs in Govt spending and a deteriorating health system and now looming Stolen Generation claims - you aint getting a cracker from the Australian people. Any Carbon Tax would put upwards pressure on inflation and we know what that gives us - interest rate rises. In fact you would need almost half the annual budget to fund the research which still may proove fruitless.

    Secondly - BASE LOAD POWER is a constant 24hr reliable energy source - IT IS ALWAYS THERE AND ON - Solar Wind Tidal can all contribute to the grid thereby reducing reliance - BUT at what cost - If we can pay for it who cares.

    Thirdly - Our aim in the long run - 50 years or so should be to get rid of both coal and nuclear. But unless we find a revenue stream to pay for clean coal research then it is not going to happen. A REVENUE STREAM - billions and billions of dollars. Where are you going to get that in Australia. You have to create it. We have the means just not the brains to use it. IF THE GREENIES STOP BLOCKING RESPONSIBLE MINING IN THIS COUNTRY THEN WE MAY GET THIS REVENUE - DON'T LET THEM GET OFF THE HOOK ON THIS ONE - THE GREENIES ARE a CHINK IN THE CHAIN THAT STOPS THE REVENUE STREAM THAT COULD FIX THE PROBLEM. - Australia is one of the worst countries to invest in mining. How Bizare!

    Now onto my favourite part of reality. The GREENY SCARE CAMPAIGN. Lets keep all those nasty cancer causing substances in the ground away from everyone. I'm really scared now. How many nuclear physicists are still kicking around in their 80's and 90's and 100's - a lot of them. Half of them have retired here. Responsible nuclear industries operate in the cleanest and healthiest countries in the world. Large chunks of Europe (eg France) are powered by Nuclear power. Your expensive french Champagne or wine is grown under a nuclear reactor. Are you dead from all the steam it produces yet.

    So whilst we listen to this Nazi style GREEN propaganda we will still be no closer to cleaning the coal poluted air we breath and solving global warming. Remember - GREENPEACE IS A PROFESSIONAL PROTESTING UNIT. That is all they do. They should concentrate on the whales and leave fixing the GREENPEACE INDUCED global warming mess up to logical rational and economically minded people.

    I have supported many GREEN campaigns over the years and will continue to support those worthy of support. But their position in this debate is costing the globe too much. The next time you pick up a GREEN paper, make sure you take a deep breath and think of whats missing in it.

    Dont enter the argument unless you have an economical solution which is balanced and logical for implementing a process of achieving clean technology.
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