Hi fellow NetComm supporters,
It's clear that it is time for a new Chairman and leadership at NetComm. The current strategy of keeping the public in the dark while excessively remunerating executive management and the Board is not in the interests of shareholders.
Unfortunately, despite these issues being known for some time, no action is being taken and the share price continues to deprive us of our investment.
I therefore seek your support in putting forward a resolution at the November AGM that the Chairman, Mr Justin Milne, is removed from the company. The resolution may be put forward for vote if 100 shareholders of a shareholder with 5% or more agrees.
If you'd like to support this action to protect our investment, please sign the petition here:
nodefamatory content can be brought...s-removal-of-netcomm-chairman-mr-justin-milne
My expanded appeal to you can be found here:
Please support me in protecting our investment and circulate the above to any shareholders you may know.