John McCain .. the coward & criminal, page-27

  1. 4,227 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 44
    "Yep they all love funding terrorism which is why I'm not sure why so many people froth on Trump, he hasn't changed anything."

    I might as well put in my two cents worth at this critical point in time.

    IMO, most people backing him would have done so after following all his campaign rallies and what he said at them, and the fact that he was so unconventional that he might be able to shake up the establishment. I'm not American so the US political issues weren't a big deal for me, but his talking about doing some deals with Russia and getting out of the middle east wars was what I wanted to hear. I also liked his desire to clean up the deep state and corruption that was at the core of it all. Okay, some will say he was a good actor but watching body language and all the rallies I concluded that it was unlikely that he could get through all that without showing his hand so to speak.

    Prior to that Hillary was already being exposed as a deep state actor (especially courtesy of certain Clinton foundation donations) and would have led to a confrontation with Russia in Syria (no-fly zones etc). She has subsequently been shown to be above the law and the FBI and DOJ has been shown to be politicised (or corrupt/compromised) at the top. We can at least be thankful that all that has been exposed as they relentlessly went after Trump.

    In hindsight it looks like he's failing to counter the huge forces doing the war mongering for the purpose of world hegemony and most of the media has always been against him. Even if he wanted to, he can't do any deals with Russia due to the sanctions and while this collusion investigation is cleverly being drawn out so long possibly past the mid term elections. IMO, his current advisers are in full control. My suspicions that he might be doing Israel's bidding (due to family ties) in the middle east were always there but I was prepared to wait and see how that played out.

    Judging by the large Russian military presence in the eastern Mediterranean, Putin is taking no chances as the Syrian government and Russia embark on cleaning up the last of the "rebels" (paid mercenaries) around Idlib. I'm waiting to see how Trump and the USA (and Israel by default) handle this before I agree with you that nothing has changed.

    I've kept it short but I hope that helps explain why this person is backing Trump .
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