LOM lucapa diamond company limited

September 08 extraordinary congress,, page-14

  1. 9,397 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1344
    We're getting lots of news of every variety from Angola, but not much of what we need to hear. All these promised reforms are welcome and we can't see a great future without them, BUT, even with them, LOM still has to come up to scratch with Lulo-and-the-kimberlite-hunt before any benefit is obtained.
    Am I being over anxious in thinking that Lulo hasn't really delivered what most of us had hoped to see by this point of 2018? I was hoping for better results from the alluvial fields, and expecting a better focus on, and explanation of, the drilling; with three rigs operating the information flow seems weak. I wasn't expecting the sp to be struggling at 24.5/25c,
    Brooking and Mothae have proved a blessing in disguise and have enabled attention to be deflected to more positive pastures, without them I'm now thinking the sp would have sagged quite a bit further.
    It's been a wonderful Spring day here in Perth, but that's coming to an end tomorrow, so we're going to need some news to digest, to keep the spirits up.
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Mkt cap ! $7.826M
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1.7¢ 1.7¢ 1.7¢ $458 26.94K

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3 1579470 1.7¢

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1.8¢ 327500 2
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