should the us end aid to israel, page-60

  1. 413 Posts.

    My point was that we cannot seem to have an intelligent debate on this topic. Anytime someone says something that some (not all) Israelis don't want to hear the cry "Anti-Semite" comes out. I'm very skinny, and sometimes people call me skinny. So what, they have their opinion. But I don't go around calling anyone who has anything bad to say about me an "Anti-Skinniest"

    I'll grant that the Jewish people had a VERY hard time in Europe but we are discussing the current state of affairs in the Middle East and some people just find it hard to accept the facts. The truth of the matter is both sides are at fault.

    This debate however is whether USA should continue funding the state of Israel. Personally I don't think it should, at least not the insane levels of money it pumps into the place now.

    The USA wants to keep its attack dog in the Middle East happy. As investors we should all understand its all about money & oil, not religion.
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