France is a disgusting country !!!!!, page-20

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 187
    pintohoo - I agree with you on many points, including that America has managed to drag its often unwilling partners into wars of their own making, which includes not just us, but also the EU. I apologise about not knowing enough about the migrant situation in the U.S., but imagine there is a similar suction effect happening from the Latin-American countries, hence Trump's 'big wall' promise. There, too, a large criminal element, is making its way North.

    There is a big difference between the former Muslim - in Europe mostly Turkish, then called 'Ottoman' wars - and the kind of aggression, Kablooey talks about and what is actually happening now. The historic Ottomans managed to get as far as the Adriatic coast, raided hundreds of villages in present-day Yugoslavia, stole their sons and turned them into Muslims and warriors, often making them go back to their birth villages to kill their parents etc. - but the present Turkey is a different kettle of fish - Yes Erdogan sees himself as the 'Boss of the Bosporus' and revels in past Ottoman glories, but he does have an opposition, a very substantial one and I believe that eventually he and his corrupt family will be overthrown. But that's a hope and belief - at present he is trouble.

    Merkel has made a big mistage by acting single-handedly - from a bad conscience (one should never act from a bad conscience) - and inviting the refugees from the artificially created 'enemy' countries in the Middle East. From my casual observation only, she never consulted with her fellow Europeans, but simply issued an invitation.

    Many former migrants have made a success of their lives in the West, many have also failed, (often in the second generation, thus creating 'disgruntledness' and readiness to act up and be trouble). The newer group of migrants/asylum seekers, call them what you will, had and have expectations which weren't met and are impossible to meet. A kind of cargo cult has now started up, even in Africa, namely 'go West/North' mainly to Europe and in particular the Northern European countries and 'there will be gold in the streets' or at least you will be fed, housed and clothed and no-one will shoot you. The emotion is understandable, the reality is a nightmare for the locals and a disappointment for the new arrivals.

    England has had Muslims since their withdrawal from India, but their present problems are similar to Europe's. In Europe you have also got Islamic groups already having been present in many of the target countries; in France, because their former colonies were mostly Islamic, in Western Europe, because the 'Wirtschaftswunder' of Germany and surrounding countries needed cheap labor for the nasty jobs, hence there are now 4th generation Muslim Turks (with a somewhat watered-down version of their religion - from personal experience) speaking the local lingo perfectly, but many still Muslim, some married to converted locals, but all targeted by Erdogan, using Islam as the wrecking tool.

    Turkey should have been allowed to join the EU many years ago, BEFORE the present shift towards islamification orchestrated by Erdogan, thus the influence would have come the other way, but no 'we don't want Turkey because of their war crimes against the Armenians in WWI - and not recognising Turkey' etc. etc. Now they are dealing with a quasi--dictator who knows exactly how to play the Muslim card, he has even got his hands on the control button where refugees are waiting to be fed into the European pipeline - Erdogan is a blackmailer of the worst sort.

    I do talk with people who have either returned from an overseas visit or are living there. The reports are mixed, but are rarely positive; those who are inclined to be humanitarian and easy-going have also hardened - the migrant stream is simply too much.

    Some of the crime news is suppressed, much is also exaggerated by the right-wing groups. Sweden is a good example: yes, they have just about got as many migrants as their system will support, but the rape 'statistic' coming out of Sweden are distorted, because 'rape' in Sweden, even before the Muslim influx was a crime, habitually and meticulously detailed in the crime statistics by the authorities; hence a single sexual assault resulting in 'rape' could turn up in the statistics as 4 assaults, because each detailed action is classified separately.

    The Swedish way of classifying rape has been brought about by the 'loony' left, which also supplied Sweden with a just and fair living standard for all; creating a desirable society where all are looked after, the wealthy still have wealth, but the wealth is spread out (and that's what the migrants want, too) and women are/were protected by complex laws. They are also a somewhat constipated 'Protestant' society and the freedoms achieved by their womenfolk are probably due to their fairly moralistic and deeply ethical outlook on life -

    However, the 'newer' generation of Swedes also have an easier morality, as is well-known. Muslims are coming up against something they don't understand, namely firstly a double standard and also total acceptance by some Swedish women of an 'exotic' male, and total rejection by society in general - so you have conflict. If the migrant flow can be stopped now, I believe Sweden and Europe in general will have a chance to integrate even this unwilling group - if not, there will be conflict - also nothing new in the world.

    I have no idea how this will end, but humanity will progress even beyond the present difficulties - different and harsher laws will have to be put in place, we will have more right-wing governments and the odd 'rescue' in the Mediterranean will result in much-publicised drownings - there may even be military patrol boats in the Mediterranean to stop the migrant flow, which, if not stopped, will destroy their target countries in their present form.

    Humanity's story - a story of continuing conflict.

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