@OXYAs with anything in life, it has the chance of failing
At this stage I just can’t see it failing and as much as the picture of failure is being painted across our threads, Syntonic has progressed each year, and I believe it has progressed a lot each year
To the point now where we have multiple launches with multiple partners in multiple countries on the cusp of commercialisation and generating revenue
Most likely the reason why some posters are popping up for the first time trying their best to discredit management with absolute rubbish statements and threads
I guess to try and answer your question though as even some keep on about how lucky we are in Australia (developed worlds) with unlimited and hot spots everywhere, we just can’t understand how the other half live (the same posters don’t understand that unlimited is unsustainable for Telcos and their declining ARPU)
Syntonic could fail if the developing nations and the billions that can’t afford to be connected, decide they don’t like mobiles or the mobile internet anymore
Can’t really see that happening at this point in time though
Hopefully syntonic can not only help us create wealth as they build their business, but also have a really good chance of helping developing nations come out of the digital divide the world has created allowing everyone to have information at their fingertips and a better chance of creating a life they want through a fairer system that allows access for everyone to broaden their knowledge of the world and all that is within it