Fasten your seatbelts, the tide has turned, page-93

  1. 9,018 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 782
    Look yes UT, I did lash out and once again you assume I am one of those who hasn't gone without and can't to achieve something. Mate I actually work for myself and employ people, leave for work at around 4.45am and sometimes get home at 6.3opm. Yes it does get up my nose that I looked after myself and in two years some of my employees have taken more sick days in years than I have had in 30 years. Sick pay has become a rort in this country. However I still believe any one works hard (even on working class wages) should be able to afford their own home in this country without being either priced out by rich foreigners, pollies who can use the allowance to invest in multiple properties and other various rich entities in this country that use the vehicle of NG to become even more wealthy without much effort. Not sure what you want for this country, but I want a harmonious one, where everyone can get a chance. At moment in the two biggest states, the dream is almost gone for the young working class. But at least a bust is hand and I say burn baby burn. Apologizes to the ones soon to lose everything. Even though RE is cheap in Perth, I know 3 people who are about to become homeless. We also have the situation where mine works in W.A. (Aloca employees) are classified as sub contractors and as they are not permanent they can’t get bank loans to buy homes. Hmm now I am an investor in Alcoa though S32 and they are strip mining vast areas in Perth hills and vast areas of red mud ponds (at least 20sqkm), which no one talks about and tells anyone what the long term future is. At least they could do is make them regular employees, but no this is going trend. Ahh yes we sandgropers still have our heads in the sand should I say mud. Yeah mate I can rant.
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