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Originally posted by Soylentgreen:
Years back when they started posting freebies on Australia's biggest bargain site Ozbargain, I was a regular freebie receiver, I know the cost was that my demographics and personal data was being used for market data research but I worked for Roy Morgan Research at the time so I know the value of this data and how exponential it can grow if you can get enough of it. The benefit of the actual free items being delivered was great to receive regularly, so the data I gave away was worth it to me. E.g. When Gillette Mach 3 razor came out I got the stick and 8 cartridges sent for free and in return would answer questions like "would you recommend this product to a friend", "did you enjoy this product" "what price would you pay for this product" and after answering that they knew a 20 something year old living in Victoria would recommend it to a friend, enjoyed the product and would pay $X for it. The Mach 3 became one of the best sellers in the Gillette range and is sold world wide now in a similar price range to what I expected to pay for the razor. Don't underestimate the money behind market research, whoever holds the data gets paid a pretty penny for it when someone wants it, and if you can get big companies wanting you to collect that data in return for sample product delivered free to millions of people, you can imagine what that exponential growth can look like in a business like this. A push down on low volume for a new IPO is quite normal, and with the amount of red in the world markets of late it's to be expected. When it finds its bottom it will find its feet, until then I'll hold my investment because the top 20 holders of this wouldn't have 78% of the company through the IPO if they hadn't done their research in this, and as a long running member of the database, a financial gain on top of freebies is a win win for me. A small loss until it's bottomed pales into insignificance to a decade of free product. GL to holders
The problem is that i always make up the data for the sake of getting freebies. Or am i the only outlier who ticks everything as exceptional (since it's free) ? however, if big corp wants to pay for it regardless then it's moot point then.