Originally posted by 71c4
And if high grade cobalt was found?
I wouldn't even think the recent drilling was mistake if Cancet was successful on the next drilling campaign. You can only make a decision based on the information you have and best guess. I would be easy to get side tracked if you found super high grade ore on the surface in old stockpiles.
Laughing stock? no one cares except a few punters that ended up on the wrong side of a very speculative trade (own fault). Some haven't realised all exploration punts are bad trades until they are not.
As long as MTC keep drilling prospective ground I will support them.
I'm with you on getting work done 71c4, although what have we achieved in the last 12 months? Yes dusters are a part of exploration companies, and they come with their good and bad - although asides from a very few holes we drilled over 12 months, you know, 365 days? there's a lot of daylight and working hours there, can you tell me anything else that has been completed? even us working day jobs would have achieved a lot over a work month. What exactly are our quarterly spends paying for? It's not like Russel and Gino do any drilling, field work or analysis themselves, they merely contract out and are meant to provide us with strategy and direction, could you enlighten me on our strategy and direction? I might seem very critical although quite frankly I think these two need to go, they're not unlocking the true value of the assets under MTC and their only use was obtaining the assets initially - they've surpassed their use by date. It seems this is what they're good at and they choke when it comes to crunch time. They can't control whats in the ground although there are so many other factors they could control.
I don't understand how we can continue to support them and their blatant neglect. They've had so many chances to prove themselves, imagine if your partner/girlfriend kept lying and cheating to you seeing other guys called wodinga resources and uses money from your bank account for lavish dates with other potential dates called 3G Coal and for "shopping and groceries", and she also kept you locked out of the house and didn't tell you about the fact that she wanted to remortgage the house and that you suspect that plans to sell the car to her mom for $20, a far stretch from the price you paid for it 1 year ago at $30,200 but the problem is you can't even ask her since she ignores you. On top of that she forgot to file your tax return for you so the tax dept chased you, you couldn't do it yourself because she kept all the supporting documents locked away and because the car and house is under her name so you let her do what she wants because she must want it to go well right? shes a significant holder, the owner. I mean common, once, twice, three times, how many chances do we have to give them, these guys literally have us SH by the balls, I think it's very obvious to them what the issues are and they don't really care we need to stop making excuses for them. I'm getting spam and sales emails every other week from another private company hes a manager of yet I haven't even heard a single peep from MTC this entire year so there's a disconnect with him and MTC. Could we all agree on that? I think its nigh time we as SH brought up the issues at hand and have them addressed.
The reality sucks and we keep hoping for a miracle or that they have something amazing planned in the background and to be quite frank I think they stay silent so we keep hoping on that and keep quiet.
Look at how many videos and events they attended when MTC was first announced, how many interviews they did, and look at the publicity now - nil. You need to ask yourself how could they be so great at communication for the first month or so then post IPO disappear? It's time for us to wake up and smell the roses.
And don't get me wrong Jarama and 71c4 I am on board with you guys and I'm wanting the same thing although actions mean a lot more than words, and at this point we're getting neither action nor words. What are we waiting for? Do you know? Do any of us know? No! Let's make our voices heard, lets contact BCC and see what they think? How many shares do we have between us lets call that meeting now! And look if they prove me wrong then great although we can't sit by idly any longer IMH we need to force their hand or work together to get someone on board who can or work with BCC to achieve this.