CMC problems and alternative recommendation please

  1. 408 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 70

    I have been experiencing accuracy problems on the CMC standard platform for many, many months now. All I get from them is 'we are experiencing issues and working hard to resolve them' and there is no follow up (until the next time I can be bothered to contact them - then get the same response). Anyone else?

    I am SO over it! There would not be one single day in the last 6 months (at least) when my profit and loss has been accurate. (Six months! how patient am I!?!). As I am a small trader, I don't want to spend a lot on membership and brokerage etc. CMC is cheap, but without consistent accuracy it's worthless and probably costing me money.

    Can anyone recommend another platform that has reasonable costs and basic features? What about Self Wealth? Any information gratefully received. Thanks very much in advance to the HC community.

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